bendar Napisano Luty 6, 2004 Zgłoszenie Share Napisano Luty 6, 2004 Podczas uruchamiania synaptic pojawia mi się taki komunikat : only one version. To leave multiple versions installed, you may remove that warning by setting the following option in your configuration file: RPM::Allow-Duplicated { "^nmap$"; }; To disable these warnings completely set: RPM::Allow-Duplicated-Warning "false"; There are multiple versions of "redhat-config-packages" in your system. This package won't be cleanly updated, unless you leave only one version. To leave multiple versions installed, you may remove that warning by setting the following option in your configuration file: RPM::Allow-Duplicated { "^redhat-config-packages$"; }; To disable these warnings completely set: RPM::Allow-Duplicated-Warn There are multiple versions of "slocate" in your system. This package won't be cleanly updated, unless you leave only one version. To leave multiple versions installed, you may remove that warning by setting the following option in your configuration file: RPM::Allow-Duplicated { "^slocate$"; }; To disable these warnings completely set: RPM::Allow-Duplicated-Warning "false"; There are multiple versions of "lftp" in your system. This package won't be cleanly updated, unless you leave only one version. To leave multiple versions installed, you may remove that warning by setting the following option in your configuration file: RPM::Allow-Duplicated { "^lftp$"; }; " Czego on może dotyczyć i gdzie mogę wpisać te proponowane tu polecenia, pojawiło mi się to po tym jak uaktualniłem system za pomocą synaptica.Zrobiłem potem w konsoli : apt-get clean i dla pewności: apt-get autoclean Pomóżcie, bo nie wiem jak to naprawić. Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach More sharing options...
arek30 Napisano Marzec 14, 2004 Zgłoszenie Share Napisano Marzec 14, 2004 zmien wpisy w configu apt wpisz tam taka linijke RPM::Allow-Duplicated { "^slocate$"; }; RPM::Allow-Duplicated-Warning "false" a wszytko to pisze tu To leave multiple versions installed, you may remove that warning by setting the following option in your configuration file: RPM::Allow-Duplicated { "^slocate$"; }; To disable these warnings completely set: RPM::Allow-Duplicated-Warning "false"; Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach More sharing options...
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