matlas Napisano Listopad 20, 2007 Zgłoszenie Share Napisano Listopad 20, 2007 Mam problem z skonfigurowaniem serwera Tomcat. Na poczatku zainstalowalem: Installed Packages tomcat5.i386 5.5.25-1jpp.1.fc8 installed tomcat5-common-lib.i386 5.5.25-1jpp.1.fc8 installed tomcat5-jasper.i386 5.5.25-1jpp.1.fc8 installed tomcat5-jsp-2.0-api.i386 5.5.25-1jpp.1.fc8 installed tomcat5-server-lib.i386 5.5.25-1jpp.1.fc8 installed tomcat5-servlet-2.4-api.i386 5.5.25-1jpp.1.fc8 installed tomcat5-webapps.i386 Dodalem tez nastepujace zmienne: export JAVA_HOME=/opt/jre1.6/bin export CATALINA_HOME=/usr/share/tomcat5 export ANT_HOME=/usr/share/ant export PATH=${PATH}:${JAVA_HOME}/bin:${ANT_HOME}/bin:${CATALINA_HOME}/bin Odpalam przyklad: http://localhost:8080/jsp-examples/jsp2/el...-arithmetic.jsp Dotej pory wszystko niby wyglada oki .... ale nie dzialaja zadne przyklady stworozne przezemnie lub nawet jesli zmienie nazwe pliku poprzedniego na: http://localhost:8080/jsp-examples/jsp2/el...-arithmetic.jsp To strona JSP sie nie uruchamia i wywala nastepujacy blad: type Exception report message description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from fulfilling this request. exception org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP: JSP FileName:null Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 1 in the generated java file The type java.lang.Object cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files JSP FileName:null Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 1 in the generated java file The type java.lang.Throwable cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files JSP FileName:null Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 1 in the generated java file The type java.lang.Exception cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files JSP FileName:null Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 1 in the generated java file The type java.lang.String cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files JSP FileName:null Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 1 in the generated java file The type java.lang.Class cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files JSP FileName:null Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 1 in the generated java file The type cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files JSP FileName:null Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 1 in the generated java file The type cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files JSP FileName:null Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 1 in the generated java file The type java.util.Enumeration cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files JSP FileName:null Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 7 in the generated java file The hierarchy of the type basic2_002darithmetic_jsp is inconsistent JSP FileName:null Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 7 in the generated java file The type basic2_002darithmetic_jsp must implement the inherited abstract method JspSourceDependent.getDependants() JSP FileName:null Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 10 in the generated java file java.util.List cannot be resolved to a type JSP FileName:null Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 12 in the generated java file Object cannot be resolved to a type JSP FileName:null Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 13 in the generated java file _jspx_dependants cannot be resolved JSP FileName:null Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 17 in the generated java file cannot be resolved to a type JSP FileName:null Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 17 in the generated java file No exception of type ServletException can be thrown; an exception type must be a subclass of Throwable JSP FileName:null Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 25 in the generated java file Object cannot be resolved to a type JSP FileName:/jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 1 in the jsp file: /jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp The type cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files 1: <html><body><pre> 2: <!-- 3: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more 4: contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with JSP FileName:/jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 1 in the jsp file: /jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 1: <html><body><pre> 2: <!-- 3: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more 4: contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with JSP FileName:/jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 1 in the jsp file: /jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 1: <html><body><pre> 2: <!-- 3: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more 4: contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with JSP FileName:/jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 1 in the jsp file: /jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 1: <html><body><pre> 2: <!-- 3: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more 4: contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with JSP FileName:/jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 1 in the jsp file: /jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 1: <html><body><pre> 2: <!-- 3: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more 4: contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with JSP FileName:/jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 1 in the jsp file: /jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 1: <html><body><pre> 2: <!-- 3: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more 4: contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with JSP FileName:/jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 1 in the jsp file: /jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 1: <html><body><pre> 2: <!-- 3: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more 4: contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with JSP FileName:/jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 1 in the jsp file: /jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 1: <html><body><pre> 2: <!-- 3: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more 4: contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with JSP FileName:/jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 1 in the jsp file: /jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 1: <html><body><pre> 2: <!-- 3: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more 4: contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with JSP FileName:/jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 1 in the jsp file: /jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 1: <html><body><pre> 2: <!-- 3: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more 4: contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with JSP FileName:/jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 1 in the jsp file: /jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 1: <html><body><pre> 2: <!-- 3: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more 4: contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with JSP FileName:/jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 1 in the jsp file: /jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 1: <html><body><pre> 2: <!-- 3: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more 4: contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with JSP FileName:/jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 1 in the jsp file: /jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 1: <html><body><pre> 2: <!-- 3: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more 4: contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with JSP FileName:/jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 1 in the jsp file: /jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 1: <html><body><pre> 2: <!-- 3: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more 4: contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with JSP FileName:/jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 1 in the jsp file: /jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 1: <html><body><pre> 2: <!-- 3: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more 4: contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with JSP FileName:/jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 1 in the jsp file: /jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 1: <html><body><pre> 2: <!-- 3: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more 4: contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with JSP FileName:/jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 1 in the jsp file: /jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 1: <html><body><pre> 2: <!-- 3: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more 4: contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with JSP FileName:/jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 1 in the jsp file: /jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 1: <html><body><pre> 2: <!-- 3: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more 4: contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with JSP FileName:/jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 1 in the jsp file: /jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 1: <html><body><pre> 2: <!-- 3: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more 4: contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with JSP FileName:/jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 1 in the jsp file: /jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 1: <html><body><pre> 2: <!-- 3: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more 4: contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with JSP FileName:/jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 1 in the jsp file: /jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 1: <html><body><pre> 2: <!-- 3: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more 4: contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with JSP FileName:/jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 1 in the jsp file: /jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 1: <html><body><pre> 2: <!-- 3: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more 4: contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with JSP FileName:/jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 1 in the jsp file: /jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 1: <html><body><pre> 2: <!-- 3: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more 4: contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with JSP FileName:/jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 1 in the jsp file: /jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 1: <html><body><pre> 2: <!-- 3: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more 4: contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with JSP FileName:/jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 1 in the jsp file: /jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 1: <html><body><pre> 2: <!-- 3: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more 4: contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with JSP FileName:/jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 1 in the jsp file: /jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 1: <html><body><pre> 2: <!-- 3: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more 4: contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with JSP FileName:/jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 1 in the jsp file: /jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 1: <html><body><pre> 2: <!-- 3: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more 4: contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with JSP FileName:/jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 1 in the jsp file: /jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 1: <html><body><pre> 2: <!-- 3: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more 4: contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with JSP FileName:/jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 1 in the jsp file: /jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 1: <html><body><pre> 2: <!-- 3: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more 4: contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with JSP FileName:/jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 1 in the jsp file: /jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 1: <html><body><pre> 2: <!-- 3: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more 4: contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with JSP FileName:/jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 1 in the jsp file: /jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 1: <html><body><pre> 2: <!-- 3: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more 4: contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with JSP FileName:/jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 1 in the jsp file: /jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 1: <html><body><pre> 2: <!-- 3: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more 4: contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with JSP FileName:/jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 1 in the jsp file: /jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 1: <html><body><pre> 2: <!-- 3: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more 4: contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with JSP FileName:/jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 1 in the jsp file: /jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 1: <html><body><pre> 2: <!-- 3: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more 4: contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with JSP FileName:/jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 1 in the jsp file: /jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 1: <html><body><pre> 2: <!-- 3: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more 4: contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with JSP FileName:/jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 1 in the jsp file: /jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 1: <html><body><pre> 2: <!-- 3: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more 4: contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with JSP FileName:/jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 1 in the jsp file: /jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 1: <html><body><pre> 2: <!-- 3: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more 4: contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with JSP FileName:/jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 1 in the jsp file: /jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 1: <html><body><pre> 2: <!-- 3: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more 4: contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with JSP FileName:/jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 1 in the jsp file: /jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 1: <html><body><pre> 2: <!-- 3: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more 4: contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with JSP FileName:/jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 1 in the jsp file: /jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 1: <html><body><pre> 2: <!-- 3: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more 4: contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with JSP FileName:/jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 39 in the jsp file: /jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp java.lang.String cannot be resolved to a type 36: </thead> 37: <tr> 38: <td>\${1}</td> 39: <td>${1}</td> 40: </tr> 41: <tr> 42: <td>\${1 + 2}</td> JSP FileName:/jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 39 in the jsp file: /jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp java.lang.String cannot be resolved to a type 36: </thead> 37: <tr> 38: <td>\${1}</td> 39: <td>${1}</td> 40: </tr> 41: <tr> 42: <td>\${1 + 2}</td> JSP FileName:/jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 39 in the jsp file: /jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 36: </thead> 37: <tr> 38: <td>\${1}</td> 39: <td>${1}</td> 40: </tr> 41: <tr> 42: <td>\${1 + 2}</td> JSP FileName:/jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 39 in the jsp file: /jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 36: </thead> 37: <tr> 38: <td>\${1}</td> 39: <td>${1}</td> 40: </tr> 41: <tr> 42: <td>\${1 + 2}</td> JSP FileName:/jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 39 in the jsp file: /jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 36: </thead> 37: <tr> 38: <td>\${1}</td> 39: <td>${1}</td> 40: </tr> 41: <tr> 42: <td>\${1 + 2}</td> JSP FileName:/jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 39 in the jsp file: /jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 36: </thead> 37: <tr> 38: <td>\${1}</td> 39: <td>${1}</td> 40: </tr> 41: <tr> 42: <td>\${1 + 2}</td> JSP FileName:/jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 39 in the jsp file: /jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 36: </thead> 37: <tr> 38: <td>\${1}</td> 39: <td>${1}</td> 40: </tr> 41: <tr> 42: <td>\${1 + 2}</td> JSP FileName:/jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 43 in the jsp file: /jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp java.lang.String cannot be resolved to a type 40: </tr> 41: <tr> 42: <td>\${1 + 2}</td> 43: <td>${1 + 2}</td> 44: </tr> 45: <tr> 46: <td>\${1.2 + 2.3}</td> JSP FileName:/jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 43 in the jsp file: /jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp java.lang.String cannot be resolved to a type 40: </tr> 41: <tr> 42: <td>\${1 + 2}</td> 43: <td>${1 + 2}</td> 44: </tr> 45: <tr> 46: <td>\${1.2 + 2.3}</td> JSP FileName:/jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 43 in the jsp file: /jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 40: </tr> 41: <tr> 42: <td>\${1 + 2}</td> 43: <td>${1 + 2}</td> 44: </tr> 45: <tr> 46: <td>\${1.2 + 2.3}</td> JSP FileName:/jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 43 in the jsp file: /jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 40: </tr> 41: <tr> 42: <td>\${1 + 2}</td> 43: <td>${1 + 2}</td> 44: </tr> 45: <tr> 46: <td>\${1.2 + 2.3}</td> JSP FileName:/jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 43 in the jsp file: /jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 40: </tr> 41: <tr> 42: <td>\${1 + 2}</td> 43: <td>${1 + 2}</td> 44: </tr> 45: <tr> 46: <td>\${1.2 + 2.3}</td> JSP FileName:/jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 43 in the jsp file: /jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 40: </tr> 41: <tr> 42: <td>\${1 + 2}</td> 43: <td>${1 + 2}</td> 44: </tr> 45: <tr> 46: <td>\${1.2 + 2.3}</td> JSP FileName:/jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 43 in the jsp file: /jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 40: </tr> 41: <tr> 42: <td>\${1 + 2}</td> 43: <td>${1 + 2}</td> 44: </tr> 45: <tr> 46: <td>\${1.2 + 2.3}</td> JSP FileName:/jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 47 in the jsp file: /jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp java.lang.String cannot be resolved to a type 44: </tr> 45: <tr> 46: <td>\${1.2 + 2.3}</td> 47: <td>${1.2 + 2.3}</td> 48: </tr> 49: <tr> 50: <td>\${1.2E4 + 1.4}</td> JSP FileName:/jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 47 in the jsp file: /jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp java.lang.String cannot be resolved to a type 44: </tr> 45: <tr> 46: <td>\${1.2 + 2.3}</td> 47: <td>${1.2 + 2.3}</td> 48: </tr> 49: <tr> 50: <td>\${1.2E4 + 1.4}</td> JSP FileName:/jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 47 in the jsp file: /jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 44: </tr> 45: <tr> 46: <td>\${1.2 + 2.3}</td> 47: <td>${1.2 + 2.3}</td> 48: </tr> 49: <tr> 50: <td>\${1.2E4 + 1.4}</td> JSP FileName:/jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 47 in the jsp file: /jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 44: </tr> 45: <tr> 46: <td>\${1.2 + 2.3}</td> 47: <td>${1.2 + 2.3}</td> 48: </tr> 49: <tr> 50: <td>\${1.2E4 + 1.4}</td> JSP FileName:/jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 47 in the jsp file: /jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 44: </tr> 45: <tr> 46: <td>\${1.2 + 2.3}</td> 47: <td>${1.2 + 2.3}</td> 48: </tr> 49: <tr> 50: <td>\${1.2E4 + 1.4}</td> JSP FileName:/jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 47 in the jsp file: /jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 44: </tr> 45: <tr> 46: <td>\${1.2 + 2.3}</td> 47: <td>${1.2 + 2.3}</td> 48: </tr> 49: <tr> 50: <td>\${1.2E4 + 1.4}</td> JSP FileName:/jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 47 in the jsp file: /jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 44: </tr> 45: <tr> 46: <td>\${1.2 + 2.3}</td> 47: <td>${1.2 + 2.3}</td> 48: </tr> 49: <tr> 50: <td>\${1.2E4 + 1.4}</td> JSP FileName:/jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 51 in the jsp file: /jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp java.lang.String cannot be resolved to a type 48: </tr> 49: <tr> 50: <td>\${1.2E4 + 1.4}</td> 51: <td>${1.2E4 + 1.4}</td> 52: </tr> 53: <tr> 54: <td>\${-4 - 2}</td> JSP FileName:/jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 51 in the jsp file: /jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp java.lang.String cannot be resolved to a type 48: </tr> 49: <tr> 50: <td>\${1.2E4 + 1.4}</td> 51: <td>${1.2E4 + 1.4}</td> 52: </tr> 53: <tr> 54: <td>\${-4 - 2}</td> JSP FileName:/jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 51 in the jsp file: /jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 48: </tr> 49: <tr> 50: <td>\${1.2E4 + 1.4}</td> 51: <td>${1.2E4 + 1.4}</td> 52: </tr> 53: <tr> 54: <td>\${-4 - 2}</td> JSP FileName:/jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 51 in the jsp file: /jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 48: </tr> 49: <tr> 50: <td>\${1.2E4 + 1.4}</td> 51: <td>${1.2E4 + 1.4}</td> 52: </tr> 53: <tr> 54: <td>\${-4 - 2}</td> JSP FileName:/jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 51 in the jsp file: /jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 48: </tr> 49: <tr> 50: <td>\${1.2E4 + 1.4}</td> 51: <td>${1.2E4 + 1.4}</td> 52: </tr> 53: <tr> 54: <td>\${-4 - 2}</td> JSP FileName:/jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 51 in the jsp file: /jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 48: </tr> 49: <tr> 50: <td>\${1.2E4 + 1.4}</td> 51: <td>${1.2E4 + 1.4}</td> 52: </tr> 53: <tr> 54: <td>\${-4 - 2}</td> JSP FileName:/jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 51 in the jsp file: /jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 48: </tr> 49: <tr> 50: <td>\${1.2E4 + 1.4}</td> 51: <td>${1.2E4 + 1.4}</td> 52: </tr> 53: <tr> 54: <td>\${-4 - 2}</td> JSP FileName:/jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 55 in the jsp file: /jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp java.lang.String cannot be resolved to a type 52: </tr> 53: <tr> 54: <td>\${-4 - 2}</td> 55: <td>${-4 - 2}</td> 56: </tr> 57: <tr> 58: <td>\${21 * 2}</td> JSP FileName:/jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 55 in the jsp file: /jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp java.lang.String cannot be resolved to a type 52: </tr> 53: <tr> 54: <td>\${-4 - 2}</td> 55: <td>${-4 - 2}</td> 56: </tr> 57: <tr> 58: <td>\${21 * 2}</td> JSP FileName:/jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 55 in the jsp file: /jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 52: </tr> 53: <tr> 54: <td>\${-4 - 2}</td> 55: <td>${-4 - 2}</td> 56: </tr> 57: <tr> 58: <td>\${21 * 2}</td> JSP FileName:/jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 55 in the jsp file: /jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 52: </tr> 53: <tr> 54: <td>\${-4 - 2}</td> 55: <td>${-4 - 2}</td> 56: </tr> 57: <tr> 58: <td>\${21 * 2}</td> JSP FileName:/jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 55 in the jsp file: /jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 52: </tr> 53: <tr> 54: <td>\${-4 - 2}</td> 55: <td>${-4 - 2}</td> 56: </tr> 57: <tr> 58: <td>\${21 * 2}</td> JSP FileName:/jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 55 in the jsp file: /jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 52: </tr> 53: <tr> 54: <td>\${-4 - 2}</td> 55: <td>${-4 - 2}</td> 56: </tr> 57: <tr> 58: <td>\${21 * 2}</td> JSP FileName:/jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 55 in the jsp file: /jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 52: </tr> 53: <tr> 54: <td>\${-4 - 2}</td> 55: <td>${-4 - 2}</td> 56: </tr> 57: <tr> 58: <td>\${21 * 2}</td> JSP FileName:/jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 59 in the jsp file: /jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp java.lang.String cannot be resolved to a type 56: </tr> 57: <tr> 58: <td>\${21 * 2}</td> 59: <td>${21 * 2}</td> 60: </tr> 61: <tr> 62: <td>\${3/4}</td> JSP FileName:/jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 59 in the jsp file: /jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp java.lang.String cannot be resolved to a type 56: </tr> 57: <tr> 58: <td>\${21 * 2}</td> 59: <td>${21 * 2}</td> 60: </tr> 61: <tr> 62: <td>\${3/4}</td> JSP FileName:/jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 59 in the jsp file: /jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 56: </tr> 57: <tr> 58: <td>\${21 * 2}</td> 59: <td>${21 * 2}</td> 60: </tr> 61: <tr> 62: <td>\${3/4}</td> JSP FileName:/jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 59 in the jsp file: /jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 56: </tr> 57: <tr> 58: <td>\${21 * 2}</td> 59: <td>${21 * 2}</td> 60: </tr> 61: <tr> 62: <td>\${3/4}</td> JSP FileName:/jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 59 in the jsp file: /jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 56: </tr> 57: <tr> 58: <td>\${21 * 2}</td> 59: <td>${21 * 2}</td> 60: </tr> 61: <tr> 62: <td>\${3/4}</td> JSP FileName:/jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 59 in the jsp file: /jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 56: </tr> 57: <tr> 58: <td>\${21 * 2}</td> 59: <td>${21 * 2}</td> 60: </tr> 61: <tr> 62: <td>\${3/4}</td> JSP FileName:/jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 59 in the jsp file: /jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 56: </tr> 57: <tr> 58: <td>\${21 * 2}</td> 59: <td>${21 * 2}</td> 60: </tr> 61: <tr> 62: <td>\${3/4}</td> JSP FileName:/jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 63 in the jsp file: /jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp java.lang.String cannot be resolved to a type 60: </tr> 61: <tr> 62: <td>\${3/4}</td> 63: <td>${3/4}</td> 64: </tr> 65: <tr> 66: <td>\${3 div 4}</td> JSP FileName:/jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp Java FileName:/usr/share/tomcat5/work/Catalina/localhost/jsp-examples//org/apache/jsp/jsp2/el/ An error occurred at line: 63 in the jsp file: /jsp2/el/basic2-arithmetic.jsp java.lang.String cannot be resolved to a type 60: </tr> 61: <tr> 62: <td>\${3/4}</td> 63: <td>${3/4}</td> 64: </tr> 65: <tr> 66: <td>\${3 div 4}</td> Stacktrace: org.apache.jasper.compiler.DefaultErrorHandler.javacError( org.apache.jasper.compiler.ErrorDispatcher.javacError( org.apache.jasper.compiler.JDTCompiler.generateClass( org.apache.jasper.compiler.Compiler.compile( org.apache.jasper.compiler.Compiler.compile( org.apache.jasper.compiler.Compiler.compile( org.apache.jasper.JspCompilationContext.compile( org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServletWrapper.service( org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.serviceJspFile( org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service( javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service( Nie wiem co nie tak (to poprawke do Javy Suna zastosowalem juz). 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