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zainstalowalem sobie z (_rpm'a_ → RPM-a) ORT aplikacje gDesklets i jak to zwykle bywa chcialbym to uruchomic :-) wpisujac w terminalu


otrzymuje liste opcji do wyboru, a zatem intuicja mi podpowiada aby wpisac

 gdesklets open 

a oto co otzymuje na ekranie:


[mario@maczek manfred]$ gdesklets


Usage: gdesklets [option] <command> [arguments...]


<command>: open <files> (Opens the given display files)

start (Runs the gDesklets daemon)

stop (Stops the gDesklets daemon)

list (Lists open displays)

restart (Restarts the gDesklets daemon)

profile <profile> (Switches to the given profile)

profile (Shows the current and the available profiles)

shell (Opens the graphical shell)

slay (Kills the daemon -- use in emergency)

about (Prints information about gDesklets)

version (Prints gDesklets version)

help (Displays this text)


[option]: --translucent (Enables translucency on the



[mario@maczek manfred]$ gdesklets open

Cannot establish connection to daemon : timeout

[mario@maczek manfred]$



czy ktos moze mi pomoc uruchomic to cudo??? z gory dziekuje

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