Skocz do zawartości

Apache - Moduł Katalogów Użytkowników


Rekomendowane odpowiedzi

Apache odpala się bez problemów, zawartość głównego katalogu /var/root/html jest wyświetlana przy adesie http://localhost.


To fragment mojego httpd.conf:

# UserDir: The name of the directory that is appended onto a user's home
# directory if a ~user request is received.
# The path to the end user account 'public_html' directory must be
# accessible to the webserver userid.  This usually means that ~userid
# must have permissions of 711, ~userid/public_html must have permissions
# of 755, and documents contained therein must be world-readable.
# Otherwise, the client will only receive a "403 Forbidden" message.
# See also:
<IfModule mod_userdir.c>
    # UserDir is disabled by default since it can confirm the presence
    # of a username on the system (depending on home directory
    # permissions).
    UserDir enabled lech

    # To enable requests to /~user/ to serve the user's public_html
    # directory, remove the "UserDir disabled" line above, and uncomment
    # the following line instead:
    UserDir public_html


# Control access to UserDir directories.  The following is an example
# for a site where these directories are restricted to read-only.
<Directory /home/*/public_html>
    AllowOverride FileInfo AuthConfig Limit
    Options ExecCGI
    SetHandler cgi-script
    Options MultiViews Indexes SymLinksIfOwnerMatch IncludesNoExec 
    Options FollowSymLinks
    AllowOverride None
    Allow from all


Jednak zawartości katalogu /home/user/public_html nie czyta :


You don't have permission to access /~user/ on this server.


Jak włączyć katalogi użytkowników na Fedorze 12 ? public_html nadałem prawa 755

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