snemei Napisano Marzec 21, 2006 Zgłoszenie Share Napisano Marzec 21, 2006 Czesc wam, Mam do napisania program Klient, Serwer pod linuksem w C. Program generalnie (klient) wysyla liczbe calkowita do (serwera) a serwer ta otrzymana liczbe poteguje i wynik odsyla do klienta. Nie wiem za bardzo jak sie do tego mam zabrac, moze macie jakies juz gdzies gotowe przyklady na ktorych mozna by sie wzorowac ? Czy jest ktos w stanie mi pomoc ?? Pozdrawiam gg:9721427 Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach More sharing options...
pp5585 Napisano Marzec 21, 2006 Zgłoszenie Share Napisano Marzec 21, 2006 mam napisany w c dosc prosty server proxy wiem ze to nie to ale jesli chesz moge ci go wyslac.... Jest prosty i dosc latwo zrozumiec jak to ma dzialac i jak uzywac pthreads itd. Pozdro Piotr P. Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach More sharing options...
marcintom Napisano Marzec 21, 2006 Zgłoszenie Share Napisano Marzec 21, 2006 Hmmm a mozesz ten kod opublikować na forum. Też chętnie bym na to spojżał Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach More sharing options...
pp5585 Napisano Marzec 21, 2006 Zgłoszenie Share Napisano Marzec 21, 2006 to jest moj kod znajduje sie w 2 plikach jak juz wspomnialem jest to b. prosty proxiak. Macie jakies miejsce gdzie wrzucacie kod czy tak sobei po prostu publikujecie w poscie? Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach More sharing options...
@WalDo Napisano Marzec 21, 2006 Zgłoszenie Share Napisano Marzec 21, 2006 tak sobei po prostu publikujecie w poscie? Zazwyczaj "tak sobie" jeśli kody niezbyt długie, ale bywało, że ludziska całkiem długie logi wrzucali, więc proste programy pewnie nie są aż tak długie Przyłączam się do prośby. Pozdr, W. Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach More sharing options...
pp5585 Napisano Marzec 21, 2006 Zgłoszenie Share Napisano Marzec 21, 2006 Oto kod /* Piotr Penar pp5585 */ /* Implemented all tasks */ #include <limits.h> #include <signal.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <pthread.h> #include <sys/poll.h> #include "utils.h" #define MAX_HEADER 20480 #define MAX_LINE 2560 #define BSIZ 8192 #define GET 0 #define POST 1 #define TIMEOUT 10*1000 /* TimeOut tme*/ #define DEBUG 0 typedef struct passinfo{ /*Stucture used to pass informations to sub-threads */ /* Created to process each request */ int cli; int method; char reqhead[MAX_HEADER]; char path[MAX_LINE]; char host[MAX_LINE]; int *stop; /*Pointer to stop variable if stop is not equal 0 */ int portno; /*then while loop from serviceconn doesnt loop any more*/ int count; /* Id of current thread */ int *currentid; /* Id of thread which acctually has right to write to teh client socket */ pthread_mutex_t *mut; pthread_cond_t *cond; }Passinfo; char *methods[2] = {"GET", "POST"}; int contentlength(char *header); void parserequest(char *request, int *method, char *host, int *pn, char *path); void copydata(int from, int to, int len); void serviceconn(int cli); void servRequest(Passinfo *p); int contentlength(char *header) { int len=INT_MAX; char line[MAX_LINE]; if (HTTPheadervalue_case(header, "Content-Length", line)) sscanf(line, "%d", &len); return len; } void parserequest(char *request, int *method, char *host, int *pn, char *path) { char url[MAX_LINE] = ""; char m[MAX_LINE] = ""; char hostport[MAX_LINE] = ""; char port[MAX_LINE] = ""; int i; sscanf(request, "%[^ ] %[^ ] HTTP/1.1", m, url); for (i=0; i<2; i++) if (strcmp(m, methods) == 0) *method = i; sscanf(url, "http://%[^\n\r/]%[^\n\r]", hostport, path); sscanf(hostport, "%[^:]:%[^\n\r]", host, port); if (*port == '\0') *pn = 80; else *pn = atoi(port); } void copydata(int from, int to, int len) { char tbuff[bSIZ]; int n; while (len > 0) { if ((n = read(from, tbuff, BSIZ)) <= 0) break; if (write(to, tbuff, n) < n) break; len -= n; } } void serviceconn(int cli) { char reqline[MAX_LINE], temp[MAX_LINE]; char reqhead[MAX_HEADER]; char host[MAX_LINE], path[MAX_LINE]; int method, portno,i=0; struct pollfd polltemp[1]; Passinfo *p; int *stop; int *currentid; pthread_t t; pthread_mutex_t mut = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; pthread_cond_t cond = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER; /*variable for struct pollfd client socket*/ polltemp[0].fd=cli; polltemp[0].events=POLLIN; /*Want to check poll for inputs. */ currentid = (int *)calloc(1,sizeof(int)); /*Callocing memory for variables used to take care about */ /*threads. Which on has right to write to client socket.*/ stop = (int *)calloc(1,sizeof(int)); /*Pointer pointed space where is stored variable */ /*which can stop loop from serviceconn*/ while(*stop==0){ if(poll(polltemp,1,TIMEOUT)<=0){ /*Function poll if client socket is unused time out after TIMEOUT miliseconds. */ *stop=1; if(DEBUG==1){ printf("\n**********TIME OUT******************\n"); } break; /*Close connection immediately */ } if(TCPreadline(cli, reqline, MAX_LINE)<=0){ /*If request line is empty close connection */ *stop=1; if(DEBUG==1){ printf("\n*************Asynchro close*******\n"); } break; /*Close connection immediately. */ } else{ /* check for the Connection: close in the header */ parserequest(reqline, &method, host, &portno, path); HTTPreadheader(cli, reqhead, MAX_HEADER); if(HTTPheadervalue_case(reqhead,"Connection: close",temp)!=0){ *stop=1; if(DEBUG==1){ printf("\n***********Connection: close!!!*************\n"); } } else{ /* If there isn't any reasons to close connection process request */ //printf("%s%s", reqline, reqhead); HTTPheaderremove_case(reqhead, "Connection"); p=(Passinfo *)calloc(1,sizeof(Passinfo)); /*Allocating memory for structure passed to each subthread */ p->cli=cli; p->method=method; strcpy(p->host,host); strcpy(p->reqhead,reqhead); strcpy(p->path,path); p->currentid=currentid; /* Pointer pointed to the thread id, har right to write to client socket */ p->portno=portno; p->mut = &mut; p->cond = &cond; p->stop = stop; p->count=i; /* Subthread ID - passed to subthread */ if(method==POST){ /* If method == post dont create thread just process function*/ servRequest(p); } else{ /* Creating subthread to process each reaquest (needed to enable pipelining)*/ pthread_create(&t,NULL,(void *)servRequest,(void *)p); } i++; /* Thread counter incrementing */ } } } close(cli); /*Closing Client socket */ } void servRequest(Passinfo *p) { char resline[MAX_LINE],temp[MAX_LINE]; char reqhead1[MAX_HEADER], reshead[MAX_HEADER]; int srv, v, status,i; if ((srv = activesocket(p->host,p->portno)) < 0) { /*Opening server socket for each request (thread) */ sprintf(reshead, "HTTP/1.1 503\r\nContent-Length: 12\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\nNon-existent"); pthread_mutex_lock(p->mut); //LOCKING MUTEX while(p->count!=*p->currentid){ pthread_cond_wait(p->cond,p->mut); //WAITING FOR CONDITION } pthread_mutex_unlock(p->mut); //UNLOCKING MUTEX write(p->cli, reshead, strlen(reshead)); } else { sprintf(reqhead1, "%s %s HTTP/1.1\r\n", methods[p->method], p->path); strcat(reqhead1, "Connection: close\r\n"); strcat(reqhead1, p->reqhead); printf("\nRequest from socket %d thread %d \n",p->cli,i); write(srv, reqhead1, strlen(reqhead1)); printf("%s", reqhead1); if (p->method == POST){ if(DEBUG==1){ printf("\nPOST\n"); } copydata(p->cli, srv, contentlength(p->reqhead)); } pthread_mutex_lock(p->mut); //LOCKING MUTEX while(p->count!=*p->currentid){ pthread_cond_wait(p->cond,p->mut); //WAITING FOR CONDITION } pthread_mutex_unlock(p->mut); //UNLOCKING MUTEX TCPreadline(srv, resline, MAX_LINE); sscanf(resline, "HTTP/1.%d %d ", &v, &status); HTTPreadheader(srv, reshead, MAX_HEADER); if(HTTPheadervalue_case(reshead, "Content-Length", temp)==0) { /*If there is no content length in the response header set stop flag to 1 */ if(DEBUG==1){ /*Then function carry on until server will close connection or rach end of buffer */ /*Size of buffer is set to MAX INT if there is no content leghth */ printf("\n****************No Content Lenth**********************\n"); } (*p->stop)=1; /*Flag to stop while loop from the serviceconn */ } HTTPheaderremove_case(reshead, "Connection"); write(p->cli, resline, strlen(resline)); printf("%s", resline); strcpy(resline, "Connection: close\r\n"); write(p->cli, resline, strlen(resline)); write(p->cli, reshead, strlen(reshead)); printf("\nResponse socket %d thread %d\n",p->cli,i); printf("%s%s", resline, reshead); if (status != 204 && status != 304){ copydata(srv,p->cli, contentlength(reshead)); } close(srv); /*Clocing server connection */ } pthread_mutex_lock(p->mut); //LOCKING MUTEX (*p->currentid)++; pthread_mutex_unlock(p->mut); //UNLOCKING MUTEX pthread_cond_broadcast(p->cond); //Broadcast. if(DEBUG==1){ printf("\n££££££££££££££££££££££ thread %d done!!!!",i); } free(p); return; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int s = passivesocket(atoi(argv[1])); pthread_t t; signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); while(1) /*I created thread to allow concurent request processing */ pthread_create(&t,NULL,(void *)serviceconn,(void *)acceptconnection(s)); } //i jeszcze utils #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <string.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <netdb.h> #include <stdio.h> int passivesocket(int portnumber) { struct sockaddr_in addr; int x; x = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, PF_UNSPEC);/* Open the socket */ if(x < 0) /* failed ? */ return -1; memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr)); /* Clear the socket address */ addr.sin_family = AF_INET; /* Internet addressing */ addr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; addr.sin_port = htons(portnumber); /* 10000 .. 20000 */ if(bind(x, (struct sockaddr*) &addr, sizeof(addr)) < 0) return -1; if(listen(x, 5) < 0) /* Accept a queue of 5 */ return -1; return x; } int activesocket(char *hostname, int portnumber) { struct sockaddr_in addr; struct hostent *h; int x; h = gethostbyname(hostname); /* What is the address */ if(h == NULL) { /* hostname not found??*/ fprintf(stderr, "%s: doesn't exist!\n", hostname); return -1; } x = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, PF_UNSPEC);/* Open the socket */ if(x < 0) /* failed ? */ return -1; memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr)); /* Clear the socket address */ addr.sin_family = AF_INET; /* Internet addressing */ memcpy(&addr.sin_addr.s_addr, h -> h_addr, sizeof(int)); /*address */ addr.sin_port = htons(portnumber); /* 10000 .. 20000 */ if(connect(x, (struct sockaddr*) &addr, sizeof(addr)) < 0) return -1; return x; } int acceptfrom(int socket, char *client, int size) { struct sockaddr_in addr; struct linger l; int s, i; i = sizeof(addr); s = accept(socket, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, &i); if(s < 0) return -1; l.l_linger = 5; l.l_onoff = 1; setsockopt(s, SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER, (char *)&l, sizeof(l)); strncpy(client, inet_ntoa(addr.sin_addr), size); client[size-1] = '\0'; return s; } int acceptconnection(int socket) { char client[40]; return acceptfrom(socket, client, 40); } int TCPreadline(int s, char *buffer, int size) { char *b; int n, count; b = buffer; count = 0; while ((n = read(s, b, 1)) > 0) { count ++; if (*b == '\n' || count == size-1) break; b ++; } if (n < 0) return n; buffer[count] = '\0'; return count; } int HTTPreadheader(int s, char *buffer, int size) { char *b; char last; int n, count; b = buffer; last = '\n'; count = 0; while ((n = read(s, b, 1)) > 0) { count ++; if ((*b == '\n' && last == '\n') || count == size-1) break; if (*b != '\r') last = *b; b ++; } if (n < 0) return n; buffer[count] = '\0'; return count; } int HTTPheadervalue(char *header, char *key, char *value) { char *b = header; int i; while (1) { b = strstr(b, key); if (b == NULL) return 0; if (b == header || *(b-1) == '\r' || *(b-1) == '\n') break; b++; } b += strlen(key)+1; while (*b == ' ') b++; i = strcspn(b, "\n\r"); strncpy(value, b, i); value = '\0'; return 1; } void HTTPheaderremove(char *header, char *key) { char *b = header; char *nextline; while (1) { b = strstr(b, key); if (b == NULL) return; if (b == header || *(b-1) == '\r' || *(b-1) == '\n') break; b++; } nextline = b; while (*nextline != '\n') nextline++; nextline++; while (*nextline != '\0') *b++ = *nextline++; *b = '\0'; } char *strstr_case(char *p, char *key) { int len = strlen(key); while (*p != '\0') if (strncasecmp(p, key, len) == 0) return p; else p++; return NULL; } int HTTPheadervalue_case(char *header, char *key, char *value) { char *b = header; int i; while (1) { b = strstr_case(b, key); if (b == NULL) return 0; if (b == header || *(b-1) == '\r' || *(b-1) == '\n') break; b++; } b += strlen(key)+1; while (*b == ' ') b++; i = strcspn(b, "\n\r"); strncpy(value, b, i); value = '\0'; return 1; } void HTTPheaderremove_case(char *header, char *key) { char *b = header; char *nextline; while (1) { b = strstr_case(b, key); if (b == NULL) return; if (b == header || *(b-1) == '\r' || *(b-1) == '\n') break; b++; } nextline = b; while (*nextline != '\n') nextline++; nextline++; while (*nextline != '\0') *b++ = *nextline++; *b = '\0'; } Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach More sharing options...
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