Subaru Napisano Lipiec 1, 2009 Zgłoszenie Share Napisano Lipiec 1, 2009 No cały widz w tym by móc oglądać bez dekodera, chodzi generalnie o to by potem rozdzielić kabel antenowy i by (w teorii) rodzinka mogła oglądać co inne a ja co inne Nic nie hackowałem z tym poprostu część programów działa(ła) a część nie Hackować wolę gry amerykańskie na Nintendo DS, by miały japońskie głosy bo te amerykańskie sprawiają...delikatnie ujmę negatywne skutki (no i po za tym inne rzeczy dot. gry ale nie tutaj o tym ) Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach More sharing options...
@WalDo Napisano Lipiec 1, 2009 Zgłoszenie Share Napisano Lipiec 1, 2009 No cały widz w tym by móc oglądać bez dekodera,Tiaaa, zakodowaną TV bez dekodera. Faktycznie, też bym chciał Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach More sharing options...
Subaru Napisano Lipiec 1, 2009 Zgłoszenie Share Napisano Lipiec 1, 2009 HotBird nie jest zakodowany, a przynajmniej nie w takim stopniu jak cała reszta skoro jakieś kanały złapałem a kiedyś jak pamiętam chyba nawet Polsat lub któryś TVP swobodnie oglądałem po za tym sygnał jest sygnałem, dam głowę, że wystarczyłby dobry dekoder programowy, który istniał na bank zanim zmienili mmm powiedzmy rodzaj kodowania Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach More sharing options...
fafig Napisano Lipiec 1, 2009 Zgłoszenie Share Napisano Lipiec 1, 2009 zawsze mozna sobie kupic fergusona firmware update pzrez rs232 i jadymy Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach More sharing options...
Zagiewa Napisano Lipiec 8, 2009 Autor Zgłoszenie Share Napisano Lipiec 8, 2009 Ponownie odświeżam temat... wiec jak pisałem na początku używam gnome, tvtime i nie miałem obrazu. Teraz obraz mam, część kanałów wyszukał sobie program poprzez skanowanie, część ustawiłem sobie sam, krótko mówiąc mam ustawione parę kanałów, które się wyświetlają dając mi pewność, że program bez problemów łączy się z kartą. Mam natomiast inny problem... Mam obraz ale nie mam dźwięku. Wiele magii kryje plik playlist.xml więc go umieszczam: <?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE stationlist PUBLIC "-//tvtime//DTD stationlist 1.0//EN" ""> <stationlist xmlns=""> <list norm="PAL" frequencies="europe" audio="i"> <station name="TVP1" active="1" position="1" band="Custom" channel="191,25MHz" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="TVP2" active="1" position="2" band="Custom" channel="183,25MHz" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="bg"/> <station name="POLSAT" active="1" position="3" band="Custom" channel="154,25MHz" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="TVN" active="1" position="4" band="Custom" channel="215,25MHz" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="5" active="1" position="5" band="VHF E2-E12" channel="E5" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="6" active="1" position="6" band="VHF E2-E12" channel="E6" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="7" active="1" position="7" band="VHF E2-E12" channel="E7" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="8" active="1" position="8" band="VHF E2-E12" channel="E8" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="9" active="1" position="9" band="VHF E2-E12" channel="E9" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="10" active="1" position="10" band="VHF E2-E12" channel="E10" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="11" active="1" position="11" band="VHF E2-E12" channel="E11" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="12" active="1" position="12" band="VHF E2-E12" channel="E12" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="13" active="1" position="13" band="VHF S1-S41" channel="S1" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="14" active="1" position="14" band="VHF S1-S41" channel="S2" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="15" active="1" position="15" band="VHF S1-S41" channel="S3" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="16" active="1" position="16" band="VHF S1-S41" channel="S4" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="17" active="1" position="17" band="VHF S1-S41" channel="S5" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="18" active="1" position="18" band="VHF S1-S41" channel="S6" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="19" active="1" position="19" band="VHF S1-S41" channel="S7" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="20" active="1" position="20" band="VHF S1-S41" channel="S8" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="21" active="1" position="21" band="VHF S1-S41" channel="S9" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="22" active="1" position="22" band="VHF S1-S41" channel="S10" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="23" active="1" position="23" band="VHF S1-S41" channel="S11" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="24" active="1" position="24" band="VHF S1-S41" channel="S12" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="25" active="1" position="25" band="VHF S1-S41" channel="S13" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="26" active="1" position="26" band="VHF S1-S41" channel="S14" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="27" active="1" position="27" band="VHF S1-S41" channel="S15" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="28" active="1" position="28" band="VHF S1-S41" channel="S16" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="29" active="1" position="29" band="VHF S1-S41" channel="S17" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="MTV" active="1" position="30" band="Custom" channel="415,25MHz" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="31" active="1" position="31" band="VHF S1-S41" channel="S19" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="32" active="1" position="32" band="VHF S1-S41" channel="S20" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="33" active="1" position="33" band="VHF S1-S41" channel="S21" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="34" active="1" position="34" band="VHF S1-S41" channel="S22" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="35" active="1" position="35" band="VHF S1-S41" channel="S23" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="36" active="1" position="36" band="VHF S1-S41" channel="S24" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="37" active="1" position="37" band="VHF S1-S41" channel="S25" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="38" active="1" position="38" band="VHF S1-S41" channel="S26" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="39" active="1" position="39" band="VHF S1-S41" channel="S27" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="40" active="1" position="40" band="VHF S1-S41" channel="S28" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="41" active="1" position="41" band="VHF S1-S41" channel="S29" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="42" active="1" position="42" band="VHF S1-S41" channel="S30" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="43" active="1" position="43" band="VHF S1-S41" channel="S31" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="44" active="1" position="44" band="VHF S1-S41" channel="S32" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="45" active="1" position="45" band="VHF S1-S41" channel="S33" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="46" active="1" position="46" band="VHF S1-S41" channel="S34" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="47" active="1" position="47" band="VHF S1-S41" channel="S35" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="48" active="1" position="48" band="VHF S1-S41" channel="S36" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="49" active="1" position="49" band="VHF S1-S41" channel="S37" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="50" active="1" position="50" band="VHF S1-S41" channel="S38" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="51" active="1" position="51" band="VHF S1-S41" channel="S39" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="52" active="1" position="52" band="VHF S1-S41" channel="S40" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="53" active="1" position="53" band="VHF S1-S41" channel="S41" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="54" active="1" position="54" band="VHF Misc" channel="X" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="55" active="1" position="55" band="VHF Misc" channel="Y" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="56" active="1" position="56" band="VHF Misc" channel="Z" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="57" active="1" position="57" band="VHF Misc" channel="Z+1" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="58" active="1" position="58" band="VHF Misc" channel="Z+2" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="59" active="1" position="59" band="VHF Russia" channel="R1" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="60" active="1" position="60" band="VHF Russia" channel="R2" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="61" active="1" position="61" band="VHF Russia" channel="R3" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="62" active="1" position="62" band="VHF Russia" channel="R4" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="63" active="1" position="63" band="VHF Russia" channel="R5" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="64" active="1" position="64" band="VHF Russia" channel="R7" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="65" active="1" position="65" band="VHF Russia" channel="R8" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="66" active="1" position="66" band="VHF Russia" channel="R9" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="67" active="1" position="67" band="VHF Russia" channel="R10" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="68" active="1" position="68" band="VHF Russia" channel="R11" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="69" active="1" position="69" band="VHF Russia" channel="R12" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="70" active="1" position="70" band="VHF Russia" channel="SR1" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="71" active="1" position="71" band="VHF Russia" channel="SR3" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="72" active="1" position="72" band="VHF Russia" channel="SR4" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="73" active="1" position="73" band="VHF Russia" channel="SR5" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="74" active="1" position="74" band="VHF Russia" channel="SR6" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="75" active="1" position="75" band="VHF Russia" channel="SR7" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="76" active="1" position="76" band="VHF Russia" channel="SR8" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="77" active="1" position="77" band="VHF Russia" channel="SR12" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="78" active="1" position="78" band="VHF Russia" channel="SR13" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="79" active="1" position="79" band="VHF Russia" channel="SR14" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="80" active="1" position="80" band="VHF Russia" channel="SR15" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="81" active="1" position="81" band="VHF Russia" channel="SR16" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="82" active="1" position="82" band="VHF Russia" channel="SR17" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="83" active="1" position="83" band="VHF Russia" channel="SR19" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="84" active="1" position="84" band="VHF Italy" channel="A" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="85" active="1" position="85" band="VHF Italy" channel="C" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="86" active="1" position="86" band="VHF Italy" channel="E" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="87" active="1" position="87" band="VHF Italy" channel="F" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="88" active="1" position="88" band="VHF Italy" channel="G" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="89" active="1" position="89" band="VHF Ireland" channel="I1" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="90" active="1" position="90" band="VHF Ireland" channel="I3" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="91" active="1" position="91" band="VHF Ireland" channel="I7" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="92" active="1" position="92" band="UHF" channel="U21" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="93" active="1" position="93" band="UHF" channel="U22" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="94" active="1" position="94" band="UHF" channel="U23" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="95" active="1" position="95" band="UHF" channel="U24" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="96" active="1" position="96" band="UHF" channel="U25" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="97" active="1" position="97" band="UHF" channel="U26" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="98" active="1" position="98" band="UHF" channel="U27" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="99" active="1" position="99" band="UHF" channel="U28" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="100" active="1" position="100" band="UHF" channel="U29" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="101" active="1" position="101" band="UHF" channel="U30" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="102" active="1" position="102" band="UHF" channel="U31" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="103" active="1" position="103" band="UHF" channel="U32" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="104" active="1" position="104" band="UHF" channel="U33" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="105" active="1" position="105" band="UHF" channel="U34" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="106" active="1" position="106" band="UHF" channel="U35" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="107" active="1" position="107" band="UHF" channel="U36" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="108" active="1" position="108" band="UHF" channel="U37" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="109" active="1" position="109" band="UHF" channel="U38" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="110" active="1" position="110" band="UHF" channel="U39" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="111" active="1" position="111" band="UHF" channel="U40" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="112" active="1" position="112" band="UHF" channel="U41" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="113" active="1" position="113" band="UHF" channel="U42" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="114" active="1" position="114" band="UHF" channel="U43" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="115" active="1" position="115" band="UHF" channel="U44" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="116" active="1" position="116" band="UHF" channel="U45" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="117" active="1" position="117" band="UHF" channel="U46" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="118" active="1" position="118" band="UHF" channel="U47" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="119" active="1" position="119" band="UHF" channel="U48" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="120" active="1" position="120" band="UHF" channel="U49" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="121" active="1" position="121" band="UHF" channel="U50" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="122" active="1" position="122" band="UHF" channel="U51" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="123" active="1" position="123" band="UHF" channel="U52" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="124" active="1" position="124" band="UHF" channel="U53" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="125" active="1" position="125" band="UHF" channel="U54" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="126" active="1" position="126" band="UHF" channel="U55" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="127" active="1" position="127" band="UHF" channel="U56" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="128" active="1" position="128" band="UHF" channel="U57" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="129" active="1" position="129" band="UHF" channel="U58" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="130" active="1" position="130" band="UHF" channel="U59" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="131" active="1" position="131" band="UHF" channel="U60" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="132" active="1" position="132" band="UHF" channel="U61" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="133" active="1" position="133" band="UHF" channel="U62" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="134" active="1" position="134" band="UHF" channel="U63" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="135" active="1" position="135" band="UHF" channel="U64" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="136" active="1" position="136" band="UHF" channel="U65" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="137" active="1" position="137" band="UHF" channel="U66" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="138" active="1" position="138" band="UHF" channel="U67" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="139" active="1" position="139" band="UHF" channel="U68" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> <station name="140" active="1" position="140" band="UHF" channel="U69" finetune="0" norm="PAL" audio="auto"/> </list> </stationlist> Myślę, że nie trudno będzie zauważyć, które kanały ja dodałem Zrobiłem to ponieważ chciałem zobaczyć czy dodawanie ich w ten sposób zadziała no i czy może dzięki temu usłyszę dźwięk. Bawiąc się w ustawieniach programu zmieniałem już wszystko i bez skutku, a niestety nie jestem obeznany za bardzo w tych wszystkich standardach telewizyjnych związanych z dźwiękiem i obrazem. Nie wiem już co mam zrobić/zmienić żeby dźwięk był. Jakieś pomysły? PS. Używam tv kablowej. Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach More sharing options...
@WalDo Napisano Lipiec 8, 2009 Zgłoszenie Share Napisano Lipiec 8, 2009 Nie wiem jak Ty, ale ja mam awersję do pulseaudio i jest to pakiet, który wywalam w pierwszej kolejności jeśli przy instalacji jakoś mi się nie uda. Potem ze starą dobrą ALSA udaje mi się dogadać przy pomocy bądź to alsamixer bądź to amixer np. amixer set 'Master' 100% on amixer set 'Master Mono' 100% on amixer set 'Line' 100% on amixer set 'PCM' 100% on amixer set 'IEC958,0' off amixer set 'CD' 70% on Jeśli to nie zadziała, to po prostu pobaw się suwakami w jakims mikserze (ja korzystam z desktopa XFCE, więc używam xfce4-mixer) Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach More sharing options...
Zagiewa Napisano Styczeń 30, 2010 Autor Zgłoszenie Share Napisano Styczeń 30, 2010 Po raz kolejny odświeżam temat, bo co chwila to próbuję wygrać z tymi kapryśnymi ustawieniami... Najpierw dla informacji: Mam F12, kartę avermedia, program tvtime, telewizje kablową i używam pulseaudio. Kiedyś miałem problem z obrazem ale uporałem się z tym, teraz męczę się po raz drugi z dźwiękiem. Kanały wyszukał mi sam tvtime dając taką listę stationlist.xml: <?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE stationlist PUBLIC "-//tvtime//DTD stationlist 1.0//EN" ""> <stationlist xmlns=""> <list norm="PAL" frequencies="europe" audio="bg"> <station name="1" active="0" position="1" band="VHF E2-E12" channel="E1" finetune="0"/> <station name="2" active="0" position="2" band="VHF E2-E12" channel="E2" finetune="0"/> <station name="3" active="0" position="3" band="VHF E2-E12" channel="E3" finetune="0"/> <station name="4" active="0" position="4" band="VHF E2-E12" channel="E4" finetune="0"/> <station name="5" active="0" position="5" band="VHF E2-E12" channel="E5" finetune="0"/> <station name="6" active="0" position="6" band="VHF E2-E12" channel="E6" finetune="0"/> <station name="7" active="0" position="7" band="VHF E2-E12" channel="E7" finetune="0"/> <station name="8" active="0" position="8" band="VHF E2-E12" channel="E8" finetune="0"/> <station name="9" active="0" position="9" band="VHF E2-E12" channel="E9" finetune="0"/> <station name="10" active="0" position="10" band="VHF E2-E12" channel="E10" finetune="0"/> <station name="11" active="0" position="11" band="VHF E2-E12" channel="E11" finetune="0"/> <station name="12" active="0" position="12" band="VHF E2-E12" channel="E12" finetune="0"/> <station name="13" active="0" position="13" band="VHF S1-S41" channel="S1" finetune="0"/> <station name="14" active="1" position="14" band="VHF S1-S41" channel="S2" finetune="0"/> <station name="15" active="1" position="15" band="VHF S1-S41" channel="S3" finetune="0"/> <station name="16" active="1" position="16" band="VHF S1-S41" channel="S4" finetune="0"/> <station name="17" active="1" position="17" band="VHF S1-S41" channel="S5" finetune="0"/> <station name="18" active="1" position="18" band="VHF S1-S41" channel="S6" finetune="0"/> <station name="19" active="0" position="19" band="VHF S1-S41" channel="S7" finetune="0"/> <station name="20" active="1" position="20" band="VHF S1-S41" 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channel="S41" finetune="0"/> <station name="54" active="0" position="54" band="VHF Misc" channel="X" finetune="0"/> <station name="55" active="0" position="55" band="VHF Misc" channel="Y" finetune="0"/> <station name="56" active="0" position="56" band="VHF Misc" channel="Z" finetune="0"/> <station name="57" active="0" position="57" band="VHF Misc" channel="Z+1" finetune="0"/> <station name="58" active="0" position="58" band="VHF Misc" channel="Z+2" finetune="0"/> <station name="59" active="0" position="59" band="VHF Russia" channel="R1" finetune="0"/> <station name="60" active="0" position="60" band="VHF Russia" channel="R2" finetune="0"/> <station name="61" active="0" position="61" band="VHF Russia" channel="R3" finetune="0"/> <station name="62" active="0" position="62" band="VHF Russia" channel="R4" finetune="0"/> <station name="63" active="0" position="63" band="VHF Russia" channel="R5" finetune="0"/> <station name="64" active="1" position="64" band="VHF Russia" channel="R7" 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finetune="0"/> <station name="76" active="0" position="76" band="VHF Russia" channel="SR8" finetune="0"/> <station name="77" active="0" position="77" band="VHF Russia" channel="SR12" finetune="0"/> <station name="78" active="0" position="78" band="VHF Russia" channel="SR13" finetune="0"/> <station name="79" active="0" position="79" band="VHF Russia" channel="SR14" finetune="0"/> <station name="80" active="0" position="80" band="VHF Russia" channel="SR15" finetune="0"/> <station name="81" active="0" position="81" band="VHF Russia" channel="SR16" finetune="0"/> <station name="82" active="0" position="82" band="VHF Russia" channel="SR17" finetune="0"/> <station name="83" active="0" position="83" band="VHF Russia" channel="SR19" finetune="0"/> <station name="84" active="0" position="84" band="VHF Italy" channel="A" finetune="0"/> <station name="85" active="0" position="85" band="VHF Italy" channel="C" finetune="0"/> <station name="86" active="1" position="86" band="VHF Italy" channel="E" finetune="0"/> <station name="87" active="0" position="87" band="VHF Italy" channel="F" finetune="0"/> <station name="88" active="0" position="88" band="VHF Italy" channel="G" finetune="0"/> <station name="89" active="0" position="89" band="VHF Ireland" channel="I1" finetune="0"/> <station name="90" active="0" position="90" band="VHF Ireland" channel="I3" finetune="0"/> <station name="91" active="0" position="91" band="VHF Ireland" channel="I7" finetune="0"/> <station name="92" active="0" position="92" band="UHF" channel="U21" finetune="0"/> <station name="93" active="0" position="93" band="UHF" channel="U22" finetune="0"/> <station name="94" active="1" position="94" band="UHF" channel="U23" finetune="0"/> <station name="95" active="1" position="95" band="UHF" channel="U24" finetune="0"/> <station name="96" active="1" position="96" band="UHF" channel="U25" finetune="0"/> <station name="97" active="1" position="97" band="UHF" channel="U26" finetune="0"/> <station name="98" active="1" position="98" band="UHF" channel="U27" finetune="0"/> <station name="99" active="0" position="99" band="UHF" channel="U28" finetune="0"/> <station name="100" active="1" position="100" band="UHF" channel="U29" finetune="0"/> <station name="101" active="1" position="101" band="UHF" channel="U30" finetune="0"/> <station name="102" active="1" position="102" band="UHF" channel="U31" finetune="0"/> <station name="103" active="1" position="103" band="UHF" channel="U32" finetune="0"/> <station name="104" active="1" position="104" band="UHF" channel="U33" finetune="0"/> <station name="105" active="0" position="105" band="UHF" channel="U34" finetune="0"/> <station name="106" active="0" position="106" band="UHF" channel="U35" finetune="0"/> <station name="107" active="1" position="107" band="UHF" channel="U36" finetune="0"/> <station name="108" active="1" position="108" band="UHF" channel="U37" finetune="0"/> <station name="109" active="0" position="109" band="UHF" channel="U38" finetune="0"/> <station name="110" active="0" position="110" band="UHF" channel="U39" finetune="0"/> <station name="111" active="1" position="111" band="UHF" channel="U40" finetune="0"/> <station name="112" active="1" position="112" band="UHF" channel="U41" finetune="0"/> <station name="113" active="1" position="113" band="UHF" channel="U42" finetune="0"/> <station name="114" active="0" position="114" band="UHF" channel="U43" finetune="0"/> <station name="115" active="1" position="115" band="UHF" channel="U44" finetune="0"/> <station name="116" active="1" position="116" band="UHF" channel="U45" finetune="0"/> <station name="117" active="1" position="117" band="UHF" channel="U46" finetune="0"/> <station name="118" active="1" position="118" band="UHF" channel="U47" finetune="0"/> <station name="119" active="1" position="119" band="UHF" channel="U48" finetune="0"/> <station name="120" active="0" position="120" band="UHF" channel="U49" finetune="0"/> <station name="121" active="0" position="121" band="UHF" channel="U50" finetune="0"/> <station name="122" active="0" position="122" band="UHF" channel="U51" finetune="0"/> <station name="123" active="0" position="123" band="UHF" channel="U52" finetune="0"/> <station name="124" active="0" position="124" band="UHF" channel="U53" finetune="0"/> <station name="125" active="0" position="125" band="UHF" channel="U54" finetune="0"/> <station name="126" active="0" position="126" band="UHF" channel="U55" finetune="0"/> <station name="127" active="0" position="127" band="UHF" channel="U56" finetune="0"/> <station name="128" active="0" position="128" band="UHF" channel="U57" finetune="0"/> <station name="129" active="0" position="129" band="UHF" channel="U58" finetune="0"/> <station name="130" active="0" position="130" band="UHF" channel="U59" finetune="0"/> <station name="131" active="0" position="131" band="UHF" channel="U60" finetune="0"/> <station name="132" active="0" position="132" band="UHF" channel="U61" finetune="0"/> <station name="133" active="0" position="133" band="UHF" channel="U62" finetune="0"/> <station name="134" active="0" position="134" band="UHF" channel="U63" finetune="0"/> <station name="135" active="0" position="135" band="UHF" channel="U64" finetune="0"/> <station name="136" active="0" position="136" band="UHF" channel="U65" finetune="0"/> <station name="137" active="0" position="137" band="UHF" channel="U66" finetune="0"/> <station name="138" active="0" position="138" band="UHF" channel="U67" finetune="0"/> <station name="139" active="0" position="139" band="UHF" channel="U68" finetune="0"/> <station name="140" active="0" position="140" band="UHF" channel="U69" finetune="0"/> </list> </stationlist> Kanały działają ale bez dźwięku. Wyczytałem gdzieś w necie, że trzeba zmienić w pliku /etc/tvtime/tvtime.xml linijkę: <option name="MixerDevice" value="default/line"> na <option name="MixerDevice" value="/dev/mixer:line"> ale to też nie pomogło. Dodam też, że wszedłem do alsamixer, f6 zmenilem na kartę tv i dałem głośność na maxa dla line, line2 i video (więcej ich nie ma). Co pominąłem? co muszę zrobić, żeby dźwięk działał? Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach More sharing options...
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