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[Fedora 25]Jak zainstalować Flash Player


Rekomendowane odpowiedzi

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To get the flash player for Chromium, download the rpm file directly from the following url - księgowa Kraków

Extract the contents of the rpm using file-roller archive manager.

$ file-roller --extract-here ./chromium-pepper-flash-

After extracting the contents, navigate into the directory, and copy the PepperFlash directory to the following location where chromium is installed - /usr/lib64/chromium-browser/

$ sudo cp -R  PepperFlash/ /usr/lib64/chromium-browser/

Now restart Chromium, and visit and it should show that Flash is installed and working. Or open the url chrome://plugins and you should see any entry named "Adobe Flash Player".

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Mam to włączone na enable.

Run all Flash content when Flash setting is set to "allow" Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome

Flash pokazuje i pod Firefox działa.

Flash – informacje

Chromium 59.0.3071.104 (Fedora Project)
System operacyjny Linux
Flash plugin /usr/lib64/chromium-browser/PepperFlash/
  --- Crash data ---
Crash Reporting

Enable crash reporting to see crash IDs



Rozwiązałem problem, zrobiłem tak jak na tej stronie ale nadal nie działał flash. Pomogło usunięcie folderu ~/.config/chromium

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