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Fedora 11 Partycjonowanie


Rekomendowane odpowiedzi



Dość długo się nie interesowałem dystrybucjami linuxowymi.


Teraz jednak z przyczyn technicznych chce przejsc na Fedore.


Pobranie jej z głownej strony oraz sprawdzenie sum nie przewidywało problemów. Wszystko byłoby dobrze dopóki nie chciałem zainstalować fedora.


Bootowanie - poprawne

Test - poprawy

Wybranie jezyka - poprawne

localhost - poprawnie

hasło roota - poprawne

partycjowanie - i tutaj zaczynają sie schody.


Wybrałem robienie partycji samemu, ponieważ chcialem wyznaczyć swap, /, boot, partycje samemu.


Jednak po wybraniue np: swap i ustawieniu mu: 500 mb i probie stworzeniu jej wyskakiwał na dzien dobry bład obwieszczający nic innego tylko to, że nie mozna sobie poradzić z wyjątekiem/błędem i mogłem albo wysłać bład do redhat (jednak nie mam internetu w tej fazie to sie nie udało), zakonczyć instalacje lub debugować.


Prosze o pomoc, ponieważ na internecie nic nie znalazłem.




Odnośnik do komentarza
Udostępnij na innych stronach

Nie no .. nie zrozumieliśmy sie.


Ja nie moge żadnej partycji zrobić ani "/", ani "/boot" ani "swap" dlatego pisze na forum


Mnie juz krew zalewa bo bład nic mi nie wytłumaczył tylko napisane było, że jest wyjątek z ktorym nie może sobie poradzić instalator i moglem debugować, wysłać lub zakonczyc instalator.

Odnośnik do komentarza
Udostępnij na innych stronach

No to na błąd nie ma rady. Jeśli uruchamiasz system z livecd i masz połączenie z internetem to przed uruchomieniem instalatora możesz spróbować zaktualizować anacondę, bo zapewne błąd już został poprawiony. Uruchom terminal, zaloguj się na roota su - i wydaj polecenie yum update anaconda . Nie napisałeś czy rozumiesz to o czym wspomniałem wcześniej, czyli rozszerzona partycja na której tworzysz dyski logiczne.

Odnośnik do komentarza
Udostępnij na innych stronach

Zrób partycje innym programem, np. za pomocą RescueCD. Ja dotychczas tylko kilka razy używałem do tego Disk Druida z instalatora i dobrze na tym wychodzę jak dotychczas. :) Potem w instalatorze pozostaje tylko podać która będzie homem, która rootem i która swapem.


Mam po prostu nadzieję, że formatowanie już istniejących partycji nie spowoduje zwiechy instalatora.

Odnośnik do komentarza
Udostępnij na innych stronach

Pobrałem LiveCD i chcialem odpalic instalacje z LiveCD no i o to raport błedu.

Prosze o jakies infor co i jak zrobic ;) Pozdrawiam


1. Nie wiem jak zrobić, żeby nie było tego tak dużo.

2. Nie wiem czemu to jest czarne :P

3. Prosze Moda albo kogoś jeśli może to niech poprawi. Z góry dziekuje


anaconda exception report
Traceback (most recent call first):
 File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/parted/", line 128, in intersect
   return Geometry(PedGeometry=self.__geometry.intersect(b.getPedGeometry()))
 File "/usr/lib/anaconda/storage/", line 501, in getBestFreeSpaceRegion
   free_geom = extended.geometry.intersect(_range)
 File "/usr/lib/anaconda/storage/", line 726, in allocatePartitions
 File "/usr/lib/anaconda/storage/", line 587, in doPartitioning
   allocatePartitions(disks, partitions)
 File "/usr/lib/anaconda/iw/", line 1017, in refresh
 File "/usr/lib/anaconda/iw/", line 1125, in editPartition
   if self.refresh(justRedraw=not actions):
 File "/usr/lib/anaconda/iw/", line 974, in newCB
   self.editPartition(device, isNew=1)
CreateException: Error opening /dev/sdc: No medium found

Local variables in innermost frame:
self: parted.Geometry instance --
 start: 40965750  end: 976478894  length: 935513145
 device: <parted.device.Device object at 0x977dd4c>  PedGeometry: <_ped.Geometry object at 0x977decc>
b: parted.Geometry instance --
 start: 976478895  end: 976494959  length: 16065
 device: <parted.device.Device object at 0x981d84c>  PedGeometry: <_ped.Geometry object at 0x981d64c>

Anaconda instance, containing members:
rescue_mount: True
reIPLMessage: None
intf: InstallInterface instance, containing members:
 intf.icw: InstallControlWindow instance, containing members:
   intf.icw.handle: 2317
   intf.icw.currentWindow: PartitionWindow instance, containing members:
     intf.icw.currentWindow.checkmark_pixbuf: <gtk.gdk.Pixbuf object at 0x9766c34 (GdkPixbuf at 0x96d54b0)>
     intf.icw.currentWindow.intf: Already dumped
     intf.icw.currentWindow.parent: <gtk.Window object at 0x926670c (GtkWindow at 0x93050f8)>
     intf.icw.currentWindow.diskStripeGraph: DiskStripeGraph instance, containing members:
       intf.icw.currentWindow.diskStripeGraph.canvas: <gnome.canvas.Canvas object at 0x97f693c (GnomeCanvas at 0x95f2260)>
       intf.icw.currentWindow.diskStripeGraph.textlabels: []
       intf.icw.currentWindow.diskStripeGraph.tree: <DiskTreeModel object at 0x97f6824 (GtkTreeStore at 0x95fbe40)>
       intf.icw.currentWindow.diskStripeGraph.editCB: <bound method PartitionWindow.editCB of <PartitionWindow.PartitionWindow instance at 0x976938c>>
       intf.icw.currentWindow.diskStripeGraph.next_ypos: 0.0
       intf.icw.currentWindow.diskStripeGraph.diskStripes: []
     intf.icw.currentWindow.show_uneditable: 1
     intf.icw.currentWindow.lock_pixbuf: <gtk.gdk.Pixbuf object at 0x97f67d4 (GdkPixbuf at 0x96d5520)> <storage.Storage object at 0x92629cc>
     intf.icw.currentWindow.tree: <DiskTreeModel object at 0x97f6824 (GtkTreeStore at 0x95fbe40)>
     intf.icw.currentWindow.toggleViewButton: <gtk.CheckButton object at 0x97f6f2c (GtkCheckButton at 0x97c0d48)>
     intf.icw.currentWindow.anaconda: Already dumped
     intf.icw.currentWindow.ics: InstallControlState instance, containing members:
       intf.icw.currentWindow.ics.prevEnabled: True Already dumped
       intf.icw.currentWindow.ics.nextEnabled: True
       intf.icw.currentWindow.ics.grabNext: True
       intf.icw.currentWindow.ics.title: Partitioning
     intf.icw.currentWindow.treeViewSelection: <gtk.TreeSelection object at 0x97f69b4 (GtkTreeSelection at 0x9687a60)>
     intf.icw.currentWindow.treeView: <gtk.TreeView object at 0x97f6964 (GtkTreeView at 0x94d4098)>
   intf.icw.mainxml: < object at 0x925f9b4 (PyGladeXML at 0x92be860)>
   intf.icw.window: <gtk.Window object at 0x926670c (GtkWindow at 0x93050f8)>
   intf.icw.installFrame: <gtk.Frame object at 0x92666bc (GtkFrame at 0x92bf9a0)>
   intf.icw.anaconda: Already dumped
   intf.icw.reloadRcQueued: 0
 intf.runres: 800x600
 intf.anaconda: Already dumped
rescue: False
updateSrc: None
mediaDevice: None
methodstr: livecd:///dev/mapper/live-osimg-min
dispatch: <dispatch.Dispatcher object at 0x9262fcc>
rootPath: /mnt/sysimage
platform: <platform.X86 object at 0x8dfcbac>
canReIPL: False
xdriver: None
isKickstart: False
stage2: None
id: InstallData instance, containing members:
 id.firewall: Firewall instance, containing members:
   id.firewall.portlist: []
   id.firewall.servicelist: []
   id.firewall.trustdevs: []
   id.firewall.enabled: 1
 id.anaconda: Already dumped
 id.upgradeRoot: None
 id.keyboard: Keyboard instance, containing members: {'LAYOUT': pl, 'KEYBOARDTYPE': pc, 'VARIANT': , 'KEYTABLE': pl2, 'MODEL': pc105, 'OPTIONS': }
   id.keyboard.type: PC
   id.keyboard._mods: KeyboardModels instance, containing members:
   id.keyboard.beenset: 1
 id.timezone: Timezone instance, containing members:
   id.timezone.utc: True America/New_York
 id.backend: LiveCDCopyBackend instance, containing members:
   id.backend.instPath: /mnt/sysimage
   id.backend.skipFormatRoot: True
   id.backend.instLog: None
   id.backend.supportsUpgrades: False
   id.backend._loopbackFile: None
   id.backend.rootFsType: ext4
   id.backend.osimg: //dev/mapper/live-osimg-min
   id.backend.supportsPackageSelection: False
 id.upgrade: None
 id.monitor: None <storage.Storage object at 0x92629cc>
 id.desktop: Desktop instance, containing members: {}
   id.desktop.runlevel: 3
 id.rootParts: None
 id.x_already_set: 1
 id.firstboot: 0
 id.users: None
 id.displayMode: g
 id.auth: --enableshadow --passalgo=sha512 --enablefingerprint
 id.ksdata: None
 id.bootloader: x86BootloaderInfo instance, containing members:
   id.bootloader._configdir: /boot/grub
   id.bootloader.doUpgradeOnly: 0
   id.bootloader.above1024: 0
   id.bootloader.defaultDevice: None
   id.bootloader.pure: None <storage.Storage object at 0x92629cc>
   id.bootloader.serialOptions: None
   id.bootloader.args: KernelArguments instance, containing members:
   id.bootloader.kernelLocation: /boot/
   id.bootloader.timeout: None
   id.bootloader._configname: grub.conf
   id.bootloader.device: None
   id.bootloader.kickstart: 0
   id.bootloader.serialDevice: None
   id.bootloader.useGrubVal: 1
   id.bootloader._drivelist: [sda]
   id.bootloader.images: BootImages instance, containing members:
     id.bootloader.images.default: None
     id.bootloader.images.images: {}
   id.bootloader.serial: 0
   id.bootloader.password: None
   id.bootloader.forceLBA32: 0
 id.extraModules: [] Network instance, containing members: {'eth0': DEVICE=eth0

} None False localhost.localdomain []
 id.instClass: <installclass.DefaultInstall object at 0x8e02c6c>
 id.isHeadless: 0
 id.videocard: None
 id.instLanguage: Language instance, containing members:
   id.instLanguage.targetLang: None
   id.instLanguage.default: en_US.UTF-8
   id.instLanguage.displayMode: g
   id.instLanguage.current: en_US.UTF-8 Security instance, containing members: 1
 id.upgradeSwapInfo: None
dir: 1
backend: Already dumped

12:11:12 INFO    : using only installclass _Fedora
12:11:12 INFO    : anaconda called with cmdline = ['/usr/sbin/anaconda', '--liveinst', '--method=livecd:///dev/mapper/live-osimg-min', '--lang', 'en_US.UTF-8']
12:11:12 INFO    : Display mode = g
12:11:12 INFO    : Starting graphical installation...
12:11:12 INFO    : Detected 3280M of memory
12:11:12 INFO    : Swap attempt of 1000M to 5280M
12:11:12 WARNING : step installtype does not exist
12:11:12 WARNING : step confirminstall does not exist
12:11:12 WARNING : step complete does not exist
12:11:12 INFO    : moving (1) to step welcome
12:11:17 INFO    : moving (1) to step keyboard
12:11:23 INFO    : moving (1) to step storageinit
12:11:23 INFO    : no /tmp/fcpconfig; not configuring zfcp
12:11:24 DEBUG   : DeviceTree.addUdevDevice: name: sda ;
12:11:24 DEBUG   : DeviceTree.addUdevDiskDevice: name: sda ;
12:11:24 DEBUG   : DiskDevice._setFormat: sda ; current: None ; type: None ;
12:11:25 DEBUG   : DeviceTree.handleUdevDeviceFormat: name: sda ;
12:11:25 DEBUG   : DeviceTree.addUdevDevice: name: sda1 ;
12:11:25 DEBUG   : DeviceTree.addUdevPartitionDevice: name: sda1 ;
12:11:25 DEBUG   : DiskDevice.addChild: kids: 0 ; name: sda ;
12:11:25 DEBUG   : PartitionDevice._setFormat: sda1 ;
12:11:25 DEBUG   : PartitionDevice._setFormat: sda1 ; current: None ; type: None ;
12:11:25 DEBUG   : PartitionDevice.probe: sda1 ; exists: True ;
12:11:25 DEBUG   : PartitionDevice._computeResize: sda1 ; status: True ;
12:11:25 DEBUG   : PartitionDevice.getFlag: path: /dev/sda1 ; flag: 1 ; part: parted.Partition instance --
 disk: <parted.disk.Disk object at 0x927afac>  fileSystem: <parted.filesystem.FileSystem object at 0x956f44c>
 number: 1  path: /dev/sda1  type: 0
 name: None  active: True  busy: False
 geometry: <parted.geometry.Geometry object at 0x956f3ec>  PedPartition: <_ped.Partition object at 0x956a89c> ;
12:11:25 DEBUG   : PartitionDevice.flagAvailable: path: /dev/sda1 ; flag: 1 ; part: parted.Partition instance --
 disk: <parted.disk.Disk object at 0x927afac>  fileSystem: <parted.filesystem.FileSystem object at 0x956f44c>
 number: 1  path: /dev/sda1  type: 0
 name: None  active: True  busy: False
 geometry: <parted.geometry.Geometry object at 0x956f3ec>  PedPartition: <_ped.Partition object at 0x956a89c> ;
12:11:25 DEBUG   : PartitionDevice.getFlag: path: /dev/sda1 ; flag: 10 ; part: parted.Partition instance --
 disk: <parted.disk.Disk object at 0x927afac>  fileSystem: <parted.filesystem.FileSystem object at 0x956f44c>
 number: 1  path: /dev/sda1  type: 0
 name: None  active: True  busy: False
 geometry: <parted.geometry.Geometry object at 0x956f3ec>  PedPartition: <_ped.Partition object at 0x956a89c> ;
12:11:25 DEBUG   : PartitionDevice.flagAvailable: path: /dev/sda1 ; flag: 10 ; part: parted.Partition instance --
 disk: <parted.disk.Disk object at 0x927afac>  fileSystem: <parted.filesystem.FileSystem object at 0x956f44c>
 number: 1  path: /dev/sda1  type: 0
 name: None  active: True  busy: False
 geometry: <parted.geometry.Geometry object at 0x956f3ec>  PedPartition: <_ped.Partition object at 0x956a89c> ;
12:11:25 DEBUG   : DeviceTree.handleUdevDeviceFormat: name: sda1 ;
12:11:26 DEBUG   : NTFS.supported: supported: False ;
12:11:26 DEBUG   : PartitionDevice._setFormat: sda1 ;
12:11:26 DEBUG   : PartitionDevice._setFormat: sda1 ; current: None ; type: ntfs ;
12:11:26 DEBUG   : DeviceTree.addUdevDevice: name: sda2 ;
12:11:26 DEBUG   : DeviceTree.addUdevPartitionDevice: name: sda2 ;
12:11:26 DEBUG   : DiskDevice.addChild: kids: 1 ; name: sda ;
12:11:26 DEBUG   : PartitionDevice._setFormat: sda2 ;
12:11:26 DEBUG   : PartitionDevice._setFormat: sda2 ; current: None ; type: None ;
12:11:26 DEBUG   : PartitionDevice.probe: sda2 ; exists: True ;
12:11:26 DEBUG   : PartitionDevice._computeResize: sda2 ; status: True ;
12:11:26 DEBUG   : PartitionDevice.getFlag: path: /dev/sda2 ; flag: 1 ; part: parted.Partition instance --
 disk: <parted.disk.Disk object at 0x927afac>  fileSystem: None
 number: 2  path: /dev/sda2  type: 2
 name: None  active: True  busy: False
 geometry: <parted.geometry.Geometry object at 0x956f20c>  PedPartition: <_ped.Partition object at 0x956a83c> ;
12:11:26 DEBUG   : PartitionDevice.flagAvailable: path: /dev/sda2 ; flag: 1 ; part: parted.Partition instance --
 disk: <parted.disk.Disk object at 0x927afac>  fileSystem: None
 number: 2  path: /dev/sda2  type: 2
 name: None  active: True  busy: False
 geometry: <parted.geometry.Geometry object at 0x956f20c>  PedPartition: <_ped.Partition object at 0x956a83c> ;
12:11:26 DEBUG   : PartitionDevice.getFlag: path: /dev/sda2 ; flag: 10 ; part: parted.Partition instance --
 disk: <parted.disk.Disk object at 0x927afac>  fileSystem: None
 number: 2  path: /dev/sda2  type: 2
 name: None  active: True  busy: False
 geometry: <parted.geometry.Geometry object at 0x956f20c>  PedPartition: <_ped.Partition object at 0x956a83c> ;
12:11:26 DEBUG   : PartitionDevice.flagAvailable: path: /dev/sda2 ; flag: 10 ; part: parted.Partition instance --
 disk: <parted.disk.Disk object at 0x927afac>  fileSystem: None
 number: 2  path: /dev/sda2  type: 2
 name: None  active: True  busy: False
 geometry: <parted.geometry.Geometry object at 0x956f20c>  PedPartition: <_ped.Partition object at 0x956a83c> ;
12:11:26 DEBUG   : DeviceTree.handleUdevDeviceFormat: name: sda2 ;
12:11:26 DEBUG   : DeviceTree.addUdevDevice: name: sda5 ;
12:11:26 DEBUG   : DeviceTree.addUdevPartitionDevice: name: sda5 ;
12:11:26 DEBUG   : DiskDevice.addChild: kids: 2 ; name: sda ;
12:11:26 DEBUG   : PartitionDevice._setFormat: sda5 ;
12:11:26 DEBUG   : PartitionDevice._setFormat: sda5 ; current: None ; type: None ;
12:11:26 DEBUG   : PartitionDevice.probe: sda5 ; exists: True ;
12:11:26 DEBUG   : PartitionDevice._computeResize: sda5 ; status: True ;
12:11:26 DEBUG   : PartitionDevice.getFlag: path: /dev/sda5 ; flag: 1 ; part: parted.Partition instance --
 disk: <parted.disk.Disk object at 0x927afac>  fileSystem: <parted.filesystem.FileSystem object at 0x956f60c>
 number: 5  path: /dev/sda5  type: 1
 name: None  active: True  busy: False
 geometry: <parted.geometry.Geometry object at 0x956f5ac>  PedPartition: <_ped.Partition object at 0x956a8fc> ;
12:11:26 DEBUG   : PartitionDevice.flagAvailable: path: /dev/sda5 ; flag: 1 ; part: parted.Partition instance --
 disk: <parted.disk.Disk object at 0x927afac>  fileSystem: <parted.filesystem.FileSystem object at 0x956f60c>
 number: 5  path: /dev/sda5  type: 1
 name: None  active: True  busy: False
 geometry: <parted.geometry.Geometry object at 0x956f5ac>  PedPartition: <_ped.Partition object at 0x956a8fc> ;
12:11:26 DEBUG   : PartitionDevice.getFlag: path: /dev/sda5 ; flag: 10 ; part: parted.Partition instance --
 disk: <parted.disk.Disk object at 0x927afac>  fileSystem: <parted.filesystem.FileSystem object at 0x956f60c>
 number: 5  path: /dev/sda5  type: 1
 name: None  active: True  busy: False
 geometry: <parted.geometry.Geometry object at 0x956f5ac>  PedPartition: <_ped.Partition object at 0x956a8fc> ;
12:11:26 DEBUG   : PartitionDevice.flagAvailable: path: /dev/sda5 ; flag: 10 ; part: parted.Partition instance --
 disk: <parted.disk.Disk object at 0x927afac>  fileSystem: <parted.filesystem.FileSystem object at 0x956f60c>
 number: 5  path: /dev/sda5  type: 1
 name: None  active: True  busy: False
 geometry: <parted.geometry.Geometry object at 0x956f5ac>  PedPartition: <_ped.Partition object at 0x956a8fc> ;
12:11:26 DEBUG   : DeviceTree.handleUdevDeviceFormat: name: sda5 ;
12:11:27 DEBUG   : NTFS.supported: supported: False ;
12:11:27 DEBUG   : PartitionDevice._setFormat: sda5 ;
12:11:27 DEBUG   : PartitionDevice._setFormat: sda5 ; current: None ; type: ntfs ;
12:11:27 DEBUG   : DeviceTree.addUdevDevice: name: sda6 ;
12:11:27 DEBUG   : DeviceTree.addUdevPartitionDevice: name: sda6 ;
12:11:27 DEBUG   : DiskDevice.addChild: kids: 3 ; name: sda ;
12:11:27 DEBUG   : PartitionDevice._setFormat: sda6 ;
12:11:27 DEBUG   : PartitionDevice._setFormat: sda6 ; current: None ; type: None ;
12:11:27 DEBUG   : PartitionDevice.probe: sda6 ; exists: True ;
12:11:27 DEBUG   : PartitionDevice._computeResize: sda6 ; status: True ;
12:11:27 DEBUG   : PartitionDevice.getFlag: path: /dev/sda6 ; flag: 1 ; part: parted.Partition instance --
 disk: <parted.disk.Disk object at 0x927afac>  fileSystem: <parted.filesystem.FileSystem object at 0x956f70c>
 number: 6  path: /dev/sda6  type: 1
 name: None  active: True  busy: False
 geometry: <parted.geometry.Geometry object at 0x956f6ac>  PedPartition: <_ped.Partition object at 0x956a92c> ;
12:11:27 DEBUG   : PartitionDevice.flagAvailable: path: /dev/sda6 ; flag: 1 ; part: parted.Partition instance --
 disk: <parted.disk.Disk object at 0x927afac>  fileSystem: <parted.filesystem.FileSystem object at 0x956f70c>
 number: 6  path: /dev/sda6  type: 1
 name: None  active: True  busy: False
 geometry: <parted.geometry.Geometry object at 0x956f6ac>  PedPartition: <_ped.Partition object at 0x956a92c> ;
12:11:27 DEBUG   : PartitionDevice.getFlag: path: /dev/sda6 ; flag: 10 ; part: parted.Partition instance --
 disk: <parted.disk.Disk object at 0x927afac>  fileSystem: <parted.filesystem.FileSystem object at 0x956f70c>
 number: 6  path: /dev/sda6  type: 1
 name: None  active: True  busy: False
 geometry: <parted.geometry.Geometry object at 0x956f6ac>  PedPartition: <_ped.Partition object at 0x956a92c> ;
12:11:27 DEBUG   : PartitionDevice.flagAvailable: path: /dev/sda6 ; flag: 10 ; part: parted.Partition instance --
 disk: <parted.disk.Disk object at 0x927afac>  fileSystem: <parted.filesystem.FileSystem object at 0x956f70c>
 number: 6  path: /dev/sda6  type: 1
 name: None  active: True  busy: False
 geometry: <parted.geometry.Geometry object at 0x956f6ac>  PedPartition: <_ped.Partition object at 0x956a92c> ;
12:11:27 DEBUG   : DeviceTree.handleUdevDeviceFormat: name: sda6 ;
12:11:27 DEBUG   : NTFS.supported: supported: False ;
12:11:27 DEBUG   : PartitionDevice._setFormat: sda6 ;
12:11:27 DEBUG   : PartitionDevice._setFormat: sda6 ; current: None ; type: ntfs ;
12:11:27 DEBUG   : DeviceTree.addUdevDevice: name: sdb ;
12:11:27 DEBUG   : DeviceTree.addUdevDiskDevice: name: sdb ;
12:11:27 DEBUG   : DiskDevice._setFormat: sdb ; current: None ; type: None ;
12:11:27 DEBUG   : DeviceTree.handleUdevDeviceFormat: name: sdb ;
12:11:27 DEBUG   : DeviceTree.addUdevDevice: name: sdc ;
12:11:27 DEBUG   : DeviceTree.addUdevDiskDevice: name: sdc ;
12:11:27 DEBUG   : DiskDevice._setFormat: sdc ; current: None ; type: None ;
12:11:27 DEBUG   : DeviceTree.handleUdevDeviceFormat: name: sdc ;
12:11:27 DEBUG   : DeviceTree.addUdevDevice: name: sdd ;
12:11:27 DEBUG   : DeviceTree.addUdevDiskDevice: name: sdd ;
12:11:27 DEBUG   : DiskDevice._setFormat: sdd ; current: None ; type: None ;
12:11:27 DEBUG   : DeviceTree.handleUdevDeviceFormat: name: sdd ;
12:11:27 DEBUG   : DeviceTree.addUdevDevice: name: sde ;
12:11:27 DEBUG   : DeviceTree.addUdevDiskDevice: name: sde ;
12:11:27 DEBUG   : DiskDevice._setFormat: sde ; current: None ; type: None ;
12:11:27 DEBUG   : DeviceTree.handleUdevDeviceFormat: name: sde ;
12:11:27 DEBUG   : DeviceTree.addUdevDevice: name: live-rw ;
12:11:27 DEBUG   : DeviceTree.addUdevDMDevice: name: live-rw ;
12:11:27 DEBUG   : DeviceTree.addUdevDevice: name: loop3 ;
12:11:27 DEBUG   : DeviceTree.handleUdevDeviceFormat: name: None ;
12:11:27 DEBUG   : DeviceTree.addUdevDevice: name: live-osimg-min ;
12:11:27 DEBUG   : DeviceTree.addUdevDMDevice: name: live-osimg-min ;
12:11:27 DEBUG   : DeviceTree.addUdevDevice: name: loop3 ;
12:11:27 DEBUG   : DeviceTree.handleUdevDeviceFormat: name: None ;
12:11:27 DEBUG   : PartitionDevice.teardown: sda1 ; status: True ;
12:11:27 DEBUG   : DiskDevice.teardown: sda ; status: True ;
12:11:27 DEBUG   : DeviceFormat.teardown: device: /dev/sda ; status: False ; type: None ;
12:11:27 DEBUG   : PartitionDevice.teardown: sda2 ; status: True ;
12:11:27 DEBUG   : DeviceFormat.teardown: device: /dev/sda2 ; status: False ; type: None ;
12:11:27 DEBUG   : DiskDevice.teardown: sda ; status: True ;
12:11:27 DEBUG   : DeviceFormat.teardown: device: /dev/sda ; status: False ; type: None ;
12:11:27 DEBUG   : PartitionDevice.teardown: sda5 ; status: True ;
12:11:27 DEBUG   : DiskDevice.teardown: sda ; status: True ;
12:11:27 DEBUG   : DeviceFormat.teardown: device: /dev/sda ; status: False ; type: None ;
12:11:27 DEBUG   : PartitionDevice.teardown: sda6 ; status: True ;
12:11:27 DEBUG   : DiskDevice.teardown: sda ; status: True ;
12:11:27 DEBUG   : DeviceFormat.teardown: device: /dev/sda ; status: False ; type: None ;
12:11:27 DEBUG   : DiskDevice.teardown: sdb ; status: True ;
12:11:27 DEBUG   : DeviceFormat.teardown: device: /dev/sdb ; status: False ; type: None ;
12:11:27 DEBUG   : DiskDevice.teardown: sdc ; status: True ;
12:11:27 DEBUG   : DeviceFormat.teardown: device: /dev/sdc ; status: False ; type: None ;
12:11:27 DEBUG   : DiskDevice.teardown: sdd ; status: True ;
12:11:27 DEBUG   : DeviceFormat.teardown: device: /dev/sdd ; status: False ; type: None ;
12:11:27 DEBUG   : DiskDevice.teardown: sde ; status: True ;
12:11:27 DEBUG   : DeviceFormat.teardown: device: /dev/sde ; status: False ; type: None ;
12:11:27 INFO    : moving (1) to step network
12:11:45 INFO    : moving (1) to step timezone
12:11:49 INFO    : moving (-1) to step network
12:11:50 INFO    : moving (1) to step timezone
12:11:51 INFO    : moving (1) to step accounts
12:12:09 INFO    : moving (1) to step setuptime
08:12:10 INFO    : moving (1) to step parttype
08:12:15 INFO    : moving (1) to step partition
08:12:15 DEBUG   : PartitionDevice.getFlag: path: /dev/sda1 ; flag: 3 ; part: parted.Partition instance --
 disk: <parted.disk.Disk object at 0x927afac>  fileSystem: <parted.filesystem.FileSystem object at 0x956f44c>
 number: 1  path: /dev/sda1  type: 0
 name: None  active: True  busy: False
 geometry: <parted.geometry.Geometry object at 0x956f3ec>  PedPartition: <_ped.Partition object at 0x956a89c> ;
08:12:15 DEBUG   : PartitionDevice.flagAvailable: path: /dev/sda1 ; flag: 3 ; part: parted.Partition instance --
 disk: <parted.disk.Disk object at 0x927afac>  fileSystem: <parted.filesystem.FileSystem object at 0x956f44c>
 number: 1  path: /dev/sda1  type: 0
 name: None  active: True  busy: False
 geometry: <parted.geometry.Geometry object at 0x956f3ec>  PedPartition: <_ped.Partition object at 0x956a89c> ;
08:12:15 DEBUG   : PartitionDevice.getFlag: path: /dev/sda2 ; flag: 3 ; part: parted.Partition instance --
 disk: <parted.disk.Disk object at 0x927afac>  fileSystem: None
 number: 2  path: /dev/sda2  type: 2
 name: None  active: True  busy: False
 geometry: <parted.geometry.Geometry object at 0x956f20c>  PedPartition: <_ped.Partition object at 0x956a83c> ;
08:12:15 DEBUG   : PartitionDevice.flagAvailable: path: /dev/sda2 ; flag: 3 ; part: parted.Partition instance --
 disk: <parted.disk.Disk object at 0x927afac>  fileSystem: None
 number: 2  path: /dev/sda2  type: 2
 name: None  active: True  busy: False
 geometry: <parted.geometry.Geometry object at 0x956f20c>  PedPartition: <_ped.Partition object at 0x956a83c> ;
08:12:15 DEBUG   : PartitionDevice.getFlag: path: /dev/sda5 ; flag: 3 ; part: parted.Partition instance --
 disk: <parted.disk.Disk object at 0x927afac>  fileSystem: <parted.filesystem.FileSystem object at 0x956f60c>
 number: 5  path: /dev/sda5  type: 1
 name: None  active: True  busy: False
 geometry: <parted.geometry.Geometry object at 0x956f5ac>  PedPartition: <_ped.Partition object at 0x956a8fc> ;
08:12:15 DEBUG   : PartitionDevice.flagAvailable: path: /dev/sda5 ; flag: 3 ; part: parted.Partition instance --
 disk: <parted.disk.Disk object at 0x927afac>  fileSystem: <parted.filesystem.FileSystem object at 0x956f60c>
 number: 5  path: /dev/sda5  type: 1
 name: None  active: True  busy: False
 geometry: <parted.geometry.Geometry object at 0x956f5ac>  PedPartition: <_ped.Partition object at 0x956a8fc> ;
08:12:15 DEBUG   : PartitionDevice.getFlag: path: /dev/sda6 ; flag: 3 ; part: parted.Partition instance --
 disk: <parted.disk.Disk object at 0x927afac>  fileSystem: <parted.filesystem.FileSystem object at 0x956f70c>
 number: 6  path: /dev/sda6  type: 1
 name: None  active: True  busy: False
 geometry: <parted.geometry.Geometry object at 0x956f6ac>  PedPartition: <_ped.Partition object at 0x956a92c> ;
08:12:15 DEBUG   : PartitionDevice.flagAvailable: path: /dev/sda6 ; flag: 3 ; part: parted.Partition instance --
 disk: <parted.disk.Disk object at 0x927afac>  fileSystem: <parted.filesystem.FileSystem object at 0x956f70c>
 number: 6  path: /dev/sda6  type: 1
 name: None  active: True  busy: False
 geometry: <parted.geometry.Geometry object at 0x956f6ac>  PedPartition: <_ped.Partition object at 0x956a92c> ;
08:12:21 DEBUG   : PartitionDevice._setFormat: sda6 ;
08:12:21 DEBUG   : PartitionDevice._setFormat: sda6 ; current: ntfs ; type: None ;
08:12:21 DEBUG   : PartitionDevice.teardown: sda6 ; status: True ;
08:12:21 DEBUG   : DeviceFormat.teardown: device: /dev/sda6 ; status: False ; type: None ;
08:12:21 DEBUG   : DiskDevice.removeChild: kids: 4 ; name: sda ;
08:12:21 DEBUG   : refresh: justRedraw=False
08:12:21 DEBUG   : DiskDevice.setup: sda ; status: True ;
08:12:23 DEBUG   : Ext4FS.supported: supported: True ;
08:12:23 DEBUG   : PartitionDevice._setFormat: req0 ;
08:12:23 DEBUG   : PartitionDevice._setFormat: req0 ; current: None ; type: ext4 ;
08:12:23 DEBUG   : Ext4FS.supported: supported: True ;
08:12:23 DEBUG   : BindFS.supported: supported: False ;
08:12:23 DEBUG   : BindFS.supported: supported: False ;
08:12:23 DEBUG   : DevPtsFS.supported: supported: False ;
08:12:23 DEBUG   : DevPtsFS.supported: supported: False ;
08:12:23 DEBUG   : DMRaidMember.__init__:
08:12:23 DEBUG   : Ext2FS.supported: supported: True ;
08:12:23 DEBUG   : Ext2FS.supported: supported: True ;
08:12:23 DEBUG   : Ext3FS.supported: supported: True ;
08:12:23 DEBUG   : Ext3FS.supported: supported: True ;
08:12:23 DEBUG   : Ext4FS.supported: supported: True ;
08:12:23 DEBUG   : Ext4FS.supported: supported: True ;
08:12:23 DEBUG   : HFS.supported: supported: False ;
08:12:23 DEBUG   : HFS.supported: supported: False ;
08:12:23 DEBUG   : HFSPlus.supported: supported: False ;
08:12:23 DEBUG   : HFSPlus.supported: supported: False ;
08:12:23 DEBUG   : Iso9660FS.supported: supported: True ;
08:12:23 DEBUG   : Iso9660FS.supported: supported: True ;
08:12:23 DEBUG   : LUKS.__init__:
08:12:23 DEBUG   : LVMPhysicalVolume.__init__:
08:12:23 DEBUG   : MDRaidMember.__init__:
08:12:23 DEBUG   : NFS.supported: supported: False ;
08:12:23 DEBUG   : NFS.supported: supported: False ;
08:12:23 DEBUG   : NFSv4.supported: supported: False ;
08:12:23 DEBUG   : NFSv4.supported: supported: False ;
08:12:23 DEBUG   : NoDevFS.supported: supported: False ;
08:12:23 DEBUG   : NoDevFS.supported: supported: False ;
08:12:23 DEBUG   : NTFS.supported: supported: False ;
08:12:23 DEBUG   : NTFS.supported: supported: False ;
08:12:23 DEBUG   : ProcFS.supported: supported: False ;
08:12:23 DEBUG   : ProcFS.supported: supported: False ;
08:12:23 DEBUG   : SwapSpace.__init__:
08:12:23 DEBUG   : SysFS.supported: supported: False ;
08:12:23 DEBUG   : SysFS.supported: supported: False ;
08:12:23 DEBUG   : TmpFS.supported: supported: False ;
08:12:23 DEBUG   : TmpFS.supported: supported: False ;
08:12:23 DEBUG   : FATFS.supported: supported: True ;
08:12:23 DEBUG   : FATFS.supported: supported: True ;
08:12:23 DEBUG   : XFS.supported: supported: True ;
08:12:23 DEBUG   : XFS.supported: supported: True ;
08:12:23 DEBUG   : Ext4FS.supported: supported: True ;
08:12:25 DEBUG   : SwapSpace.__init__:
08:12:29 DEBUG   : SwapSpace.__init__: mountpoint: <Not Applicable> ;
08:12:29 DEBUG   : PartitionDevice._setFormat: req1 ;
08:12:29 DEBUG   : PartitionDevice._setFormat: req1 ; current: None ; type: swap ;
08:12:29 DEBUG   : PartitionDevice._setFormat: req1 ;
08:12:29 DEBUG   : PartitionDevice._setFormat: req1 ; current: swap ; type: swap ;
08:12:29 DEBUG   : refresh: justRedraw=False
08:12:29 DEBUG   : DiskDevice.setup: sda ; status: True ;

Running... ['udevadm', 'trigger', '--subsystem-match=block']
Running... ['udevadm', 'settle', '--timeout=30']
Running... ['ntfsinfo', '-m', '/dev/sda1']
Volume Information 
Name of device: /dev/sda1
Device state: 11
Volume Name: 
Volume State: 1
Volume Version: 3.1
Sector Size: 512
Cluster Size: 4096
Volume Size in Clusters: 5120710
MFT Information 
MFT Record Size: 1024
MFT Zone Multiplier: 1
MFT Data Position: 24
MFT Zone Start: 786432
MFT Zone End: 1426520
MFT Zone Position: 786432
Current Position in First Data Zone: 1426520
Current Position in Second Data Zone: 0
LCN of Data Attribute for FILE_MFT: 786432
FILE_MFTMirr Size: 4
LCN of Data Attribute for File_MFTMirr: 2560355
Size of Attribute Definition Table: 2560
FILE_Bitmap Information 
FILE_Bitmap MFT Record Number: 6
State of FILE_Bitmap Inode: 0
Length of Attribute List: 0
Attribute List: (null)
Number of Attached Extent Inodes: 0
FILE_Bitmap Data Attribute Information
Decompressed Runlist: not done yet
Base Inode: 6
Attribute Types: not done yet
Attribute Name Length: 0
Attribute State: 3
Attribute Allocated Size: 643072
Attribute Data Size: 640096
Attribute Initialized Size: 640096
Attribute Compressed Size: 0
Compression Block Size: 0
Compression Block Size Bits: 0
Compression Block Clusters: 0
Running... ['ntfsresize', '-m', '/dev/sda1']
ntfsresize v2.0.0 (libntfs 10:0:0)
Minsize (in MB): 8444
Running... ['ntfsinfo', '-m', '/dev/sda5']
Volume Information 
Name of device: /dev/sda5
Device state: 11
Volume Name: 
Volume State: 1
Volume Version: 3.1
Sector Size: 512
Cluster Size: 4096
Volume Size in Clusters: 97279591
MFT Information 
MFT Record Size: 1024
MFT Zone Multiplier: 1
MFT Data Position: 24
MFT Zone Start: 786432
MFT Zone End: 12946380
MFT Zone Position: 786432
Current Position in First Data Zone: 12946380
Current Position in Second Data Zone: 0
LCN of Data Attribute for FILE_MFT: 786432
FILE_MFTMirr Size: 4
LCN of Data Attribute for File_MFTMirr: 48639795
Size of Attribute Definition Table: 2560
FILE_Bitmap Information 
FILE_Bitmap MFT Record Number: 6
State of FILE_Bitmap Inode: 0
Length of Attribute List: 0
Attribute List: (null)
Number of Attached Extent Inodes: 0
FILE_Bitmap Data Attribute Information
Decompressed Runlist: not done yet
Base Inode: 6
Attribute Types: not done yet
Attribute Name Length: 0
Attribute State: 3
Attribute Allocated Size: 12161024
Attribute Data Size: 12159952
Attribute Initialized Size: 12159952
Attribute Compressed Size: 0
Compression Block Size: 0
Compression Block Size Bits: 0
Compression Block Clusters: 0
Running... ['ntfsresize', '-m', '/dev/sda5']
ntfsresize v2.0.0 (libntfs 10:0:0)
Minsize (in MB): 4008
Running... ['ntfsinfo', '-m', '/dev/sda6']
Volume Information 
Name of device: /dev/sda6
Device state: 11
Volume Name: 
Volume State: 1
Volume Version: 3.1
Sector Size: 512
Cluster Size: 4096
Volume Size in Clusters: 7679999
MFT Information 
MFT Record Size: 1024
MFT Zone Multiplier: 1
MFT Data Position: 24
MFT Zone Start: 786432
MFT Zone End: 1746431
MFT Zone Position: 786432
Current Position in First Data Zone: 1746431
Current Position in Second Data Zone: 0
LCN of Data Attribute for FILE_MFT: 786432
FILE_MFTMirr Size: 4
LCN of Data Attribute for File_MFTMirr: 3839999
Size of Attribute Definition Table: 2560
FILE_Bitmap Information 
FILE_Bitmap MFT Record Number: 6
State of FILE_Bitmap Inode: 0
Length of Attribute List: 0
Attribute List: (null)
Number of Attached Extent Inodes: 0
FILE_Bitmap Data Attribute Information
Decompressed Runlist: not done yet
Base Inode: 6
Attribute Types: not done yet
Attribute Name Length: 0
Attribute State: 3
Attribute Allocated Size: 962560
Attribute Data Size: 960000
Attribute Initialized Size: 960000
Attribute Compressed Size: 0
Compression Block Size: 0
Compression Block Size Bits: 0
Compression Block Clusters: 0
Running... ['ntfsresize', '-m', '/dev/sda6']
ntfsresize v2.0.0 (libntfs 10:0:0)
Minsize (in MB): 3222
Running... ['udevadm', 'settle', '--timeout=30']
Running... ['udevadm', 'settle', '--timeout=10']
Running... ['udevadm', 'settle', '--timeout=10']
Running... ['udevadm', 'settle', '--timeout=10']
Running... ['udevadm', 'settle', '--timeout=10']
Running... ['udevadm', 'settle', '--timeout=10']
Running... ['udevadm', 'settle', '--timeout=10']
Running... ['udevadm', 'settle', '--timeout=10']
Running... ['udevadm', 'settle', '--timeout=10']
Running... ['udevadm', 'settle', '--timeout=10']
Running... ['udevadm', 'settle', '--timeout=10']
Running... ['udevadm', 'settle', '--timeout=10']
Running... ['udevadm', 'settle', '--timeout=10']
Running... ['/usr/sbin/hwclock', '--hctosys', '-u']
Running... ['udevadm', 'settle', '--timeout=10']
Running... ['modprobe', 'ext2']
WARNING: Deprecated config file /etc/modprobe.conf, all config files belong into /etc/modprobe.d/.
Running... ['modprobe', 'xfs']
WARNING: Deprecated config file /etc/modprobe.conf, all config files belong into /etc/modprobe.d/.

[2009-10-13 12:11:10,271]    DEBUG: registered device format class LUKS as luks
[2009-10-13 12:11:10,272]    DEBUG: registered device format class DMRaidMember as dmraidmember
[2009-10-13 12:11:10,273]    DEBUG: registered device format class SwapSpace as swap
[2009-10-13 12:11:10,274]    DEBUG: registered device format class PPCPRePBoot as prepboot
[2009-10-13 12:11:10,275]    DEBUG: registered device format class Ext2FS as ext2
[2009-10-13 12:11:10,275]    DEBUG: registered device format class Ext3FS as ext3
[2009-10-13 12:11:10,275]    DEBUG: registered device format class Ext4FS as ext4
[2009-10-13 12:11:10,276]    DEBUG: registered device format class FATFS as vfat
[2009-10-13 12:11:10,276]    DEBUG: registered device format class EFIFS as efi
[2009-10-13 12:11:10,276]    DEBUG: registered device format class BTRFS as btrfs
[2009-10-13 12:11:10,276]    DEBUG: registered device format class GFS2 as gfs2
[2009-10-13 12:11:10,276]    DEBUG: registered device format class JFS as jfs
[2009-10-13 12:11:10,276]    DEBUG: registered device format class XFS as xfs
[2009-10-13 12:11:10,277]    DEBUG: registered device format class HFS as hfs
[2009-10-13 12:11:10,277]    DEBUG: registered device format class AppleBootstrapFS as appleboot
[2009-10-13 12:11:10,277]    DEBUG: registered device format class HFSPlus as hfs+
[2009-10-13 12:11:10,277]    DEBUG: registered device format class NTFS as ntfs
[2009-10-13 12:11:10,277]    DEBUG: registered device format class NFS as nfs
[2009-10-13 12:11:10,278]    DEBUG: registered device format class NFSv4 as nfs4
[2009-10-13 12:11:10,278]    DEBUG: registered device format class Iso9660FS as iso9660
[2009-10-13 12:11:10,278]    DEBUG: registered device format class NoDevFS as nodev
[2009-10-13 12:11:10,278]    DEBUG: registered device format class DevPtsFS as devpts
[2009-10-13 12:11:10,278]    DEBUG: registered device format class ProcFS as proc
[2009-10-13 12:11:10,279]    DEBUG: registered device format class SysFS as sysfs
[2009-10-13 12:11:10,279]    DEBUG: registered device format class TmpFS as tmpfs
[2009-10-13 12:11:10,279]    DEBUG: registered device format class BindFS as bind
[2009-10-13 12:11:10,279]    DEBUG: registered device format class MDRaidMember as mdmember
[2009-10-13 12:11:10,280]    DEBUG: registered device format class LVMPhysicalVolume as lvmpv
[2009-10-13 12:11:24,114]     INFO: sr0 looks to be the live device; ignoring
[2009-10-13 12:11:24,118]     INFO: devices to scan: ['sda', 'sda1', 'sda2', 'sda5', 'sda6', 'sdb', 'sdc', 'sdd', 'sde', 'dm-0', 'dm-1']
[2009-10-13 12:11:24,567]    DEBUG: scanning sda (/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:05.1/host5/target5:0:0/5:0:0:0/block/sda)...
[2009-10-13 12:11:24,567]    DEBUG: looking for device 'sda'...
[2009-10-13 12:11:24,568]    DEBUG: found None
[2009-10-13 12:11:24,572]    DEBUG: sda is a disk
[2009-10-13 12:11:24,572]    DEBUG: getFormat('None') returning DeviceFormat instance
[2009-10-13 12:11:24,583]    DEBUG: looking up parted Device: /dev/sda
[2009-10-13 12:11:24,583]    DEBUG: looking up parted Device: /dev/sda
[2009-10-13 12:11:24,586]    DEBUG: creating parted Disk: /dev/sda
[2009-10-13 12:11:25,402]    DEBUG: added sda (disk) to device tree
[2009-10-13 12:11:25,407]    DEBUG: {'DKD_PARTITION_TABLE': '1', 'ID_REVISION': 'SD15', 'ID_VENDOR_ENC': 'ATA\\x20\\x20\\x20\\x20\\x20', 'ID_ATA_COMPAT': 'ST3500320AS_9QM283K4', 'ID_PATH': 'pci-0000:00:05.1-scsi-0:0:0:0', 'ID_VENDOR': 'ATA', 'ID_SERIAL': 'SATA_ST3500320AS_9QM283K4', 'DKD_PARTITION_TABLE_SCHEME': 'mbr', 'DEVTYPE': 'disk', 'ID_BUS': 'scsi', 'ID_MODEL': 'ST3500320AS', 'MAJOR': '8', 'sysfs_path': '/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:05.1/host5/target5:0:0/5:0:0:0/block/sda', 'ID_TYPE': 'disk', 'MINOR': '0', 'symlinks': ['block/8:0', 'disk/by-id/scsi-SATA_ST3500320AS_9QM283K4', 'disk/by-id/ata-ST3500320AS_9QM283K4', 'disk/by-path/pci-0000:00:05.1-scsi-0:0:0:0'], 'ID_SERIAL_SHORT': '9QM283K4', 'name': 'sda', 'DKD_ATA_SMART_IS_AVAILABLE': '1', 'ANACBIN': '/sbin', 'ID_MODEL_ENC': 'ST3500320AS\\x20\\x20\\x20\\x20\\x20', 'DKD_MEDIA_AVAILABLE': '1'}
[2009-10-13 12:11:25,407]    DEBUG: no type or existing type for sda, bailing
[2009-10-13 12:11:25,411]    DEBUG: scanning sda1 (/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:05.1/host5/target5:0:0/5:0:0:0/block/sda/sda1)...
[2009-10-13 12:11:25,412]    DEBUG: looking for device 'sda1'...
[2009-10-13 12:11:25,412]    DEBUG: found None
[2009-10-13 12:11:25,413]    DEBUG: sda1 is a partition
[2009-10-13 12:11:25,417]    DEBUG: looking for device 'sda'...
[2009-10-13 12:11:25,418]    DEBUG: found DiskDevice instance (0x927adec) --
 description =   name = sda  status = True  parents = []
 kids = 0
 id = 0
 uuid = None  format = <storage.formats.DeviceFormat object at 0x927ad4c>  size = 476804.179688
 major = 8  minor = 0  exists = True
 sysfs path = /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:05.1/host5/target5:0:0/5:0:0:0/block/sda  label = None
 target size = 0  path = /dev/sda
 format args = []  removable = False  partedDevice = <parted.device.Device object at 0x927afcc>
 partedDisk = <parted.disk.Disk object at 0x927afac>
[2009-10-13 12:11:25,427]    DEBUG: getFormat('None') returning DeviceFormat instance
[2009-10-13 12:11:25,432]    DEBUG: looking up parted Partition: /dev/sda1
[2009-10-13 12:11:25,438]    DEBUG: looking up parted Device: /dev/sda1
[2009-10-13 12:11:25,463]    DEBUG: added sda1 (partition) to device tree
[2009-10-13 12:11:25,468]    DEBUG: {'ID_REVISION': 'SD15', 'ID_VENDOR_ENC': 'ATA\\x20\\x20\\x20\\x20\\x20', 'ID_ATA_COMPAT': 'ST3500320AS_9QM283K4', 'DKD_PARTITION_SIZE': '20974431744', 'ID_FS_VERSION': '3.1', 'ID_PATH': 'pci-0000:00:05.1-scsi-0:0:0:0', 'ID_VENDOR': 'ATA', 'DKD_PARTITION_NUMBER': '1', 'ID_SERIAL': 'SATA_ST3500320AS_9QM283K4', 'DKD_PARTITION': '1', 'MINOR': '1', 'DEVTYPE': 'partition', 'ID_FS_UUID': 'D6FCE780FCE758EF', 'DKD_PARTITION_FLAGS': 'boot', 'ID_FS_UUID_ENC': 'D6FCE780FCE758EF', 'ID_FS_TYPE': 'ntfs', 'DKD_PARTITION_TYPE': '0x07', 'ID_MODEL': 'ST3500320AS', 'MAJOR': '8', 'sysfs_path': '/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:05.1/host5/target5:0:0/5:0:0:0/block/sda/sda1', 'ID_FS_USAGE': 'filesystem', 'ID_TYPE': 'disk', 'DKD_PARTITION_SCHEME': 'mbr', 'ID_BUS': 'scsi', 'symlinks': ['block/8:1', 'disk/by-id/scsi-SATA_ST3500320AS_9QM283K4-part1', 'disk/by-id/ata-ST3500320AS_9QM283K4-part1', 'disk/by-path/pci-0000:00:05.1-scsi-0:0:0:0-part1', 'disk/by-uuid/D6FCE780FCE758EF'], 'ID_SERIAL_SHORT': '9QM283K4', 'name': 'sda1', 'ANACBIN': '/sbin', 'ID_MODEL_ENC': 'ST3500320AS\\x20\\x20\\x20\\x20\\x20'}
[2009-10-13 12:11:25,468]    DEBUG: type detected on 'sda1' is 'ntfs'
[2009-10-13 12:11:26,632]    DEBUG: getFormat('ntfs') returning NTFS instance
[2009-10-13 12:11:26,636]    DEBUG: scanning sda2 (/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:05.1/host5/target5:0:0/5:0:0:0/block/sda/sda2)...
[2009-10-13 12:11:26,636]    DEBUG: looking for device 'sda2'...
[2009-10-13 12:11:26,637]    DEBUG: found None
[2009-10-13 12:11:26,637]    DEBUG: sda2 is a partition
[2009-10-13 12:11:26,638]    DEBUG: looking for device 'sda'...
[2009-10-13 12:11:26,638]    DEBUG: found DiskDevice instance (0x927adec) --
 description =   name = sda  status = True  parents = []
 kids = 1
 id = 0
 uuid = None  format = <storage.formats.DeviceFormat object at 0x927ad4c>  size = 476804.179688
 major = 8  minor = 0  exists = True
 sysfs path = /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:05.1/host5/target5:0:0/5:0:0:0/block/sda  label = None
 target size = 0  path = /dev/sda
 format args = []  removable = False  partedDevice = <parted.device.Device object at 0x927afcc>
 partedDisk = <parted.disk.Disk object at 0x927afac>
[2009-10-13 12:11:26,641]    DEBUG: getFormat('None') returning DeviceFormat instance
[2009-10-13 12:11:26,643]    DEBUG: looking up parted Partition: /dev/sda2
[2009-10-13 12:11:26,645]    DEBUG: looking up parted Device: /dev/sda2
[2009-10-13 12:11:26,653]    DEBUG: added sda2 (partition) to device tree
[2009-10-13 12:11:26,655]    DEBUG: {'ID_REVISION': 'SD15', 'DKD_PARTITION_SIZE': '478982730240', 'ID_ATA_COMPAT': 'ST3500320AS_9QM283K4', 'ID_PATH': 'pci-0000:00:05.1-scsi-0:0:0:0', 'ID_VENDOR': 'ATA', 'DKD_PARTITION_NUMBER': '2', 'ID_SERIAL': 'SATA_ST3500320AS_9QM283K4', 'DKD_PARTITION': '1', 'DEVTYPE': 'partition', 'ID_BUS': 'scsi', 'ID_VENDOR_ENC': 'ATA\\x20\\x20\\x20\\x20\\x20', 'DKD_PARTITION_TYPE': '0x0f', 'ID_MODEL': 'ST3500320AS', 'MAJOR': '8', 'sysfs_path': '/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:05.1/host5/target5:0:0/5:0:0:0/block/sda/sda2', 'ID_TYPE': 'disk', 'DKD_PARTITION_SCHEME': 'mbr', 'MINOR': '2', 'symlinks': ['block/8:2', 'disk/by-id/scsi-SATA_ST3500320AS_9QM283K4-part2', 'disk/by-id/ata-ST3500320AS_9QM283K4-part2', 'disk/by-path/pci-0000:00:05.1-scsi-0:0:0:0-part2'], 'ID_SERIAL_SHORT': '9QM283K4', 'name': 'sda2', 'ANACBIN': '/sbin', 'ID_MODEL_ENC': 'ST3500320AS\\x20\\x20\\x20\\x20\\x20'}
[2009-10-13 12:11:26,655]    DEBUG: no type or existing type for sda2, bailing
[2009-10-13 12:11:26,656]    DEBUG: scanning sda5 (/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:05.1/host5/target5:0:0/5:0:0:0/block/sda/sda5)...
[2009-10-13 12:11:26,656]    DEBUG: looking for device 'sda5'...
[2009-10-13 12:11:26,656]    DEBUG: found None
[2009-10-13 12:11:26,656]    DEBUG: sda5 is a partition
[2009-10-13 12:11:26,658]    DEBUG: looking for device 'sda'...
[2009-10-13 12:11:26,658]    DEBUG: found DiskDevice instance (0x927adec) --
 description =   name = sda  status = True  parents = []
 kids = 2
 id = 0
 uuid = None  format = <storage.formats.DeviceFormat object at 0x927ad4c>  size = 476804.179688
 major = 8  minor = 0  exists = True
 sysfs path = /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:05.1/host5/target5:0:0/5:0:0:0/block/sda  label = None
 target size = 0  path = /dev/sda
 format args = []  removable = False  partedDevice = <parted.device.Device object at 0x927afcc>
 partedDisk = <parted.disk.Disk object at 0x927afac>
[2009-10-13 12:11:26,661]    DEBUG: getFormat('None') returning DeviceFormat instance
[2009-10-13 12:11:26,663]    DEBUG: looking up parted Partition: /dev/sda5
[2009-10-13 12:11:26,664]    DEBUG: looking up parted Device: /dev/sda5
[2009-10-13 12:11:26,672]    DEBUG: added sda5 (partition) to device tree
[2009-10-13 12:11:26,673]    DEBUG: {'ID_REVISION': 'SD15', 'ID_VENDOR_ENC': 'ATA\\x20\\x20\\x20\\x20\\x20', 'ID_ATA_COMPAT': 'ST3500320AS_9QM283K4', 'DKD_PARTITION_SIZE': '398457206784', 'ID_FS_VERSION': '3.1', 'ID_PATH': 'pci-0000:00:05.1-scsi-0:0:0:0', 'ID_VENDOR': 'ATA', 'DKD_PARTITION_NUMBER': '5', 'ID_SERIAL': 'SATA_ST3500320AS_9QM283K4', 'DKD_PARTITION': '1', 'MINOR': '5', 'DEVTYPE': 'partition', 'ID_FS_UUID': 'DA848252848230D5', 'ID_FS_UUID_ENC': 'DA848252848230D5', 'ID_FS_TYPE': 'ntfs', 'DKD_PARTITION_TYPE': '0x07', 'ID_MODEL': 'ST3500320AS', 'MAJOR': '8', 'sysfs_path': '/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:05.1/host5/target5:0:0/5:0:0:0/block/sda/sda5', 'ID_FS_USAGE': 'filesystem', 'ID_TYPE': 'disk', 'DKD_PARTITION_SCHEME': 'mbr', 'ID_BUS': 'scsi', 'symlinks': ['block/8:5', 'disk/by-id/scsi-SATA_ST3500320AS_9QM283K4-part5', 'disk/by-id/ata-ST3500320AS_9QM283K4-part5', 'disk/by-path/pci-0000:00:05.1-scsi-0:0:0:0-part5', 'disk/by-uuid/DA848252848230D5'], 'ID_SERIAL_SHORT': '9QM283K4', 'name': 'sda5', 'ANACBIN': '/sbin', 'ID_MODEL_ENC': 'ST3500320AS\\x20\\x20\\x20\\x20\\x20'}
[2009-10-13 12:11:26,674]    DEBUG: type detected on 'sda5' is 'ntfs'
[2009-10-13 12:11:27,374]    DEBUG: getFormat('ntfs') returning NTFS instance
[2009-10-13 12:11:27,378]    DEBUG: scanning sda6 (/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:05.1/host5/target5:0:0/5:0:0:0/block/sda/sda6)...
[2009-10-13 12:11:27,378]    DEBUG: looking for device 'sda6'...
[2009-10-13 12:11:27,378]    DEBUG: found None
[2009-10-13 12:11:27,378]    DEBUG: sda6 is a partition
[2009-10-13 12:11:27,379]    DEBUG: looking for device 'sda'...
[2009-10-13 12:11:27,380]    DEBUG: found DiskDevice instance (0x927adec) --
 description =   name = sda  status = True  parents = []
 kids = 3
 id = 0
 uuid = None  format = <storage.formats.DeviceFormat object at 0x927ad4c>  size = 476804.179688
 major = 8  minor = 0  exists = True
 sysfs path = /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:05.1/host5/target5:0:0/5:0:0:0/block/sda  label = None
 target size = 0  path = /dev/sda
 format args = []  removable = False  partedDevice = <parted.device.Device object at 0x927afcc>
 partedDisk = <parted.disk.Disk object at 0x927afac>
[2009-10-13 12:11:27,383]    DEBUG: getFormat('None') returning DeviceFormat instance
[2009-10-13 12:11:27,384]    DEBUG: looking up parted Partition: /dev/sda6
[2009-10-13 12:11:27,386]    DEBUG: looking up parted Device: /dev/sda6
[2009-10-13 12:11:27,394]    DEBUG: added sda6 (partition) to device tree
[2009-10-13 12:11:27,396]    DEBUG: {'ID_REVISION': 'SD15', 'ID_VENDOR_ENC': 'ATA\\x20\\x20\\x20\\x20\\x20', 'ID_ATA_COMPAT': 'ST3500320AS_9QM283K4', 'DKD_PARTITION_SIZE': '31457280000', 'ID_FS_VERSION': '3.1', 'ID_PATH': 'pci-0000:00:05.1-scsi-0:0:0:0', 'ID_VENDOR': 'ATA', 'DKD_PARTITION_NUMBER': '6', 'ID_SERIAL': 'SATA_ST3500320AS_9QM283K4', 'DKD_PARTITION': '1', 'MINOR': '6', 'DEVTYPE': 'partition', 'ID_FS_UUID': '9004742D04741884', 'ID_FS_UUID_ENC': '9004742D04741884', 'ID_FS_TYPE': 'ntfs', 'DKD_PARTITION_TYPE': '0x07', 'ID_MODEL': 'ST3500320AS', 'MAJOR': '8', 'sysfs_path': '/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:05.1/host5/target5:0:0/5:0:0:0/block/sda/sda6', 'ID_FS_USAGE': 'filesystem', 'ID_TYPE': 'disk', 'DKD_PARTITION_SCHEME': 'mbr', 'ID_BUS': 'scsi', 'symlinks': ['block/8:6', 'disk/by-id/scsi-SATA_ST3500320AS_9QM283K4-part6', 'disk/by-id/ata-ST3500320AS_9QM283K4-part6', 'disk/by-path/pci-0000:00:05.1-scsi-0:0:0:0-part6', 'disk/by-uuid/9004742D04741884'], 'ID_SERIAL_SHORT': '9QM283K4', 'name': 'sda6', 'ANACBIN': '/sbin', 'ID_MODEL_ENC': 'ST3500320AS\\x20\\x20\\x20\\x20\\x20'}
[2009-10-13 12:11:27,396]    DEBUG: type detected on 'sda6' is 'ntfs'
[2009-10-13 12:11:27,521]    DEBUG: getFormat('ntfs') returning NTFS instance
[2009-10-13 12:11:27,528]    DEBUG: scanning sdb (/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.1/usb1/1-6/1-6:1.0/host4/target4:0:0/4:0:0:0/block/sdb)...
[2009-10-13 12:11:27,528]    DEBUG: looking for device 'sdb'...
[2009-10-13 12:11:27,529]    DEBUG: found None
[2009-10-13 12:11:27,531]    DEBUG: sdb is a disk
[2009-10-13 12:11:27,531]    DEBUG: getFormat('None') returning DeviceFormat instance
[2009-10-13 12:11:27,534]    DEBUG: looking up parted Device: /dev/sdb
[2009-10-13 12:11:27,534]    DEBUG: looking up parted Device: /dev/sdb
[2009-10-13 12:11:27,537]    DEBUG: added sdb (disk) to device tree
[2009-10-13 12:11:27,540]    DEBUG: {'ID_VENDOR_ID': '058f', 'ID_USB_INTERFACE_NUM': '00', 'ID_REVISION': '1.00', 'ID_VENDOR_ENC': 'Generic\\x20', 'ID_PATH': 'pci-0000:00:02.1-usb-0:6:1.0-scsi-0:0:0:0', 'ID_VENDOR': 'Generic', 'ID_SERIAL': 'Generic_USB_SD_Reader_058F312D81B1-0:0', 'DEVTYPE': 'disk', 'MINOR': '16', 'ID_MODEL_ID': '6362', 'ID_MODEL': 'USB_SD_Reader', 'MAJOR': '8', 'ID_USB_INTERFACES': ':080650:', 'ID_INSTANCE': '0:0', 'sysfs_path': '/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.1/usb1/1-6/1-6:1.0/host4/target4:0:0/4:0:0:0/block/sdb', 'ID_TYPE': 'disk', 'ID_BUS': 'usb', 'symlinks': ['block/8:16', 'disk/by-id/usb-Generic_USB_SD_Reader_058F312D81B1-0:0', 'disk/by-path/pci-0000:00:02.1-usb-0:6:1.0-scsi-0:0:0:0'], 'ID_SERIAL_SHORT': '058F312D81B1', 'name': 'sdb', 'ANACBIN': '/sbin', 'ID_MODEL_ENC': 'USB\\x20SD\\x20Reader\\x20\\x20\\x20', 'DKD_MEDIA_AVAILABLE': '0', 'ID_USB_DRIVER': 'usb-storage'}
[2009-10-13 12:11:27,540]    DEBUG: no type or existing type for sdb, bailing
[2009-10-13 12:11:27,542]    DEBUG: scanning sdc (/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.1/usb1/1-6/1-6:1.0/host4/target4:0:0/4:0:0:1/block/sdc)...
[2009-10-13 12:11:27,542]    DEBUG: looking for device 'sdc'...
[2009-10-13 12:11:27,542]    DEBUG: found None
[2009-10-13 12:11:27,545]    DEBUG: sdc is a disk
[2009-10-13 12:11:27,545]    DEBUG: getFormat('None') returning DeviceFormat instance
[2009-10-13 12:11:27,548]    DEBUG: looking up parted Device: /dev/sdc
[2009-10-13 12:11:27,548]    DEBUG: looking up parted Device: /dev/sdc
[2009-10-13 12:11:27,551]    DEBUG: added sdc (disk) to device tree
[2009-10-13 12:11:27,554]    DEBUG: {'ID_VENDOR_ID': '058f', 'ID_USB_INTERFACE_NUM': '00', 'ID_REVISION': '1.01', 'ID_VENDOR_ENC': 'Generic\\x20', 'ID_PATH': 'pci-0000:00:02.1-usb-0:6:1.0-scsi-0:0:0:1', 'ID_VENDOR': 'Generic', 'ID_SERIAL': 'Generic_USB_CF_Reader_058F312D81B1-0:1', 'DEVTYPE': 'disk', 'MINOR': '32', 'ID_MODEL_ID': '6362', 'ID_MODEL': 'USB_CF_Reader', 'MAJOR': '8', 'ID_USB_INTERFACES': ':080650:', 'ID_INSTANCE': '0:1', 'sysfs_path': '/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.1/usb1/1-6/1-6:1.0/host4/target4:0:0/4:0:0:1/block/sdc', 'ID_TYPE': 'disk', 'ID_BUS': 'usb', 'symlinks': ['block/8:32', 'disk/by-id/usb-Generic_USB_CF_Reader_058F312D81B1-0:1', 'disk/by-path/pci-0000:00:02.1-usb-0:6:1.0-scsi-0:0:0:1'], 'ID_SERIAL_SHORT': '058F312D81B1', 'name': 'sdc', 'ANACBIN': '/sbin', 'ID_MODEL_ENC': 'USB\\x20CF\\x20Reader\\x20\\x20\\x20', 'DKD_MEDIA_AVAILABLE': '0', 'ID_USB_DRIVER': 'usb-storage'}
[2009-10-13 12:11:27,554]    DEBUG: no type or existing type for sdc, bailing
[2009-10-13 12:11:27,556]    DEBUG: scanning sdd (/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.1/usb1/1-6/1-6:1.0/host4/target4:0:0/4:0:0:2/block/sdd)...
[2009-10-13 12:11:27,556]    DEBUG: looking for device 'sdd'...
[2009-10-13 12:11:27,556]    DEBUG: found None
[2009-10-13 12:11:27,559]    DEBUG: sdd is a disk
[2009-10-13 12:11:27,559]    DEBUG: getFormat('None') returning DeviceFormat instance
[2009-10-13 12:11:27,562]    DEBUG: looking up parted Device: /dev/sdd
[2009-10-13 12:11:27,562]    DEBUG: looking up parted Device: /dev/sdd
[2009-10-13 12:11:27,565]    DEBUG: added sdd (disk) to device tree
[2009-10-13 12:11:27,568]    DEBUG: {'ID_VENDOR_ID': '058f', 'ID_USB_INTERFACE_NUM': '00', 'ID_REVISION': '1.02', 'ID_VENDOR_ENC': 'Generic\\x20', 'ID_PATH': 'pci-0000:00:02.1-usb-0:6:1.0-scsi-0:0:0:2', 'ID_VENDOR': 'Generic', 'ID_SERIAL': 'Generic_USB_SM_Reader_058F312D81B1-0:2', 'DEVTYPE': 'disk', 'MINOR': '48', 'ID_MODEL_ID': '6362', 'ID_MODEL': 'USB_SM_Reader', 'MAJOR': '8', 'ID_USB_INTERFACES': ':080650:', 'ID_INSTANCE': '0:2', 'sysfs_path': '/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.1/usb1/1-6/1-6:1.0/host4/target4:0:0/4:0:0:2/block/sdd', 'ID_TYPE': 'disk', 'ID_BUS': 'usb', 'symlinks': ['block/8:48', 'disk/by-id/usb-Generic_USB_SM_Reader_058F312D81B1-0:2', 'disk/by-path/pci-0000:00:02.1-usb-0:6:1.0-scsi-0:0:0:2'], 'ID_SERIAL_SHORT': '058F312D81B1', 'name': 'sdd', 'ANACBIN': '/sbin', 'ID_MODEL_ENC': 'USB\\x20SM\\x20Reader\\x20\\x20\\x20', 'DKD_MEDIA_AVAILABLE': '0', 'ID_USB_DRIVER': 'usb-storage'}
[2009-10-13 12:11:27,568]    DEBUG: no type or existing type for sdd, bailing
[2009-10-13 12:11:27,570]    DEBUG: scanning sde (/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.1/usb1/1-6/1-6:1.0/host4/target4:0:0/4:0:0:3/block/sde)...
[2009-10-13 12:11:27,570]    DEBUG: looking for device 'sde'...
[2009-10-13 12:11:27,571]    DEBUG: found None
[2009-10-13 12:11:27,573]    DEBUG: sde is a disk
[2009-10-13 12:11:27,573]    DEBUG: getFormat('None') returning DeviceFormat instance
[2009-10-13 12:11:27,576]    DEBUG: looking up parted Device: /dev/sde
[2009-10-13 12:11:27,576]    DEBUG: looking up parted Device: /dev/sde
[2009-10-13 12:11:27,579]    DEBUG: added sde (disk) to device tree
[2009-10-13 12:11:27,582]    DEBUG: {'ID_VENDOR_ID': '058f', 'ID_USB_INTERFACE_NUM': '00', 'ID_REVISION': '1.03', 'ID_VENDOR_ENC': 'Generic\\x20', 'ID_PATH': 'pci-0000:00:02.1-usb-0:6:1.0-scsi-0:0:0:3', 'ID_VENDOR': 'Generic', 'ID_SERIAL': 'Generic_USB_MS_Reader_058F312D81B1-0:3', 'DEVTYPE': 'disk', 'MINOR': '64', 'ID_MODEL_ID': '6362', 'ID_MODEL': 'USB_MS_Reader', 'MAJOR': '8', 'ID_USB_INTERFACES': ':080650:', 'ID_INSTANCE': '0:3', 'sysfs_path': '/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.1/usb1/1-6/1-6:1.0/host4/target4:0:0/4:0:0:3/block/sde', 'ID_TYPE': 'disk', 'ID_BUS': 'usb', 'symlinks': ['block/8:64', 'disk/by-id/usb-Generic_USB_MS_Reader_058F312D81B1-0:3', 'disk/by-path/pci-0000:00:02.1-usb-0:6:1.0-scsi-0:0:0:3'], 'ID_SERIAL_SHORT': '058F312D81B1', 'name': 'sde', 'ANACBIN': '/sbin', 'ID_MODEL_ENC': 'USB\\x20MS\\x20Reader\\x20\\x20\\x20', 'DKD_MEDIA_AVAILABLE': '0', 'ID_USB_DRIVER': 'usb-storage'}
[2009-10-13 12:11:27,582]    DEBUG: no type or existing type for sde, bailing
[2009-10-13 12:11:27,584]    DEBUG: scanning live-rw (/devices/virtual/block/dm-0)...
[2009-10-13 12:11:27,584]    DEBUG: looking for device 'live-rw'...
[2009-10-13 12:11:27,584]    DEBUG: found None
[2009-10-13 12:11:27,585]    DEBUG: live-rw is a device-mapper device
[2009-10-13 12:11:27,587]    DEBUG: looking for device 'loop3'...
[2009-10-13 12:11:27,587]    DEBUG: found None
[2009-10-13 12:11:27,590]    DEBUG: ignoring loop3 (/devices/virtual/block/loop3)
[2009-10-13 12:11:27,590]    DEBUG: looking for device 'loop3'...
[2009-10-13 12:11:27,591]    DEBUG: found None
[2009-10-13 12:11:27,591]    ERROR: failure scanning device live-rw: could not add slave loop3
[2009-10-13 12:11:27,593]    DEBUG: {'ID_FS_VERSION': '1.0', 'DKD_DM_TARGET_COUNT': '1', 'DM_OPEN': '1', 'DM_MINOR': '0', 'DM_NAME': 'live-rw', 'ID_FS_LABEL_ENC': 'Fedora-11-i686-L', 'ANACBIN': '/sbin', 'DKD_DM_TARGET_TYPES': 'snapshot', 'DKD_DM_LAST_EVENT_NR': '0', 'DEVTYPE': 'disk', 'DM_SUSPENDED': 'Active', 'DKD_DM_NAME': 'live-rw', 'DKD_DM_MAJOR': '253', 'ID_FS_UUID': 'd8394cd3-060a-42c8-8585-aebb23927bcb', 'ID_FS_UUID_ENC': 'd8394cd3-060a-42c8-8585-aebb23927bcb', 'ID_FS_TYPE': 'ext4', 'DM_MAJOR': '253', 'DKD_DM_OPENCOUNT': '1', 'sysfs_path': '/devices/virtual/block/dm-0', 'ID_FS_LABEL': 'Fedora-11-i686-L', 'ID_FS_USAGE': 'filesystem', 'DM_READONLY': 'Writeable', 'DKD_DM_TABLE_STATE': 'LIVE', 'MINOR': '0', 'symlinks': ['block/253:0', 'disk/by-id/dm-name-live-rw', 'disk/by-uuid/d8394cd3-060a-42c8-8585-aebb23927bcb', 'disk/by-label/Fedora-11-i686-L'], 'DM_TABLES_LOADED': 'Live', 'MAJOR': '253', 'name': 'dm-0', 'DKD_DM_MINOR': '0', 'DKD_DM_STATE': 'ACTIVE', 'DKD_MEDIA_AVAILABLE': '1'}
[2009-10-13 12:11:27,594]    DEBUG: no type or existing type for live-rw, bailing
[2009-10-13 12:11:27,596]    DEBUG: scanning live-osimg-min (/devices/virtual/block/dm-1)...
[2009-10-13 12:11:27,596]    DEBUG: looking for device 'live-osimg-min'...
[2009-10-13 12:11:27,596]    DEBUG: found None
[2009-10-13 12:11:27,596]    DEBUG: live-osimg-min is a device-mapper device
[2009-10-13 12:11:27,599]    DEBUG: looking for device 'loop3'...
[2009-10-13 12:11:27,599]    DEBUG: found None
[2009-10-13 12:11:27,602]    DEBUG: ignoring loop3 (/devices/virtual/block/loop3)
[2009-10-13 12:11:27,602]    DEBUG: looking for device 'loop3'...
[2009-10-13 12:11:27,602]    DEBUG: found None
[2009-10-13 12:11:27,603]    ERROR: failure scanning device live-osimg-min: could not add slave loop3
[2009-10-13 12:11:27,605]    DEBUG: {'ID_FS_VERSION': '1.0', 'DKD_DM_TARGET_COUNT': '1', 'DM_OPEN': '0', 'DM_MINOR': '1', 'DM_NAME': 'live-osimg-min', 'ID_FS_LABEL_ENC': 'Fedora-11-i686-L', 'ANACBIN': '/sbin', 'DKD_DM_TARGET_TYPES': 'snapshot', 'DKD_DM_LAST_EVENT_NR': '0', 'DEVTYPE': 'disk', 'DM_SUSPENDED': 'Active', 'DKD_DM_NAME': 'live-osimg-min', 'DKD_DM_MAJOR': '253', 'ID_FS_UUID': 'd8394cd3-060a-42c8-8585-aebb23927bcb', 'ID_FS_UUID_ENC': 'd8394cd3-060a-42c8-8585-aebb23927bcb', 'ID_FS_TYPE': 'ext4', 'DM_MAJOR': '253', 'DKD_DM_OPENCOUNT': '0', 'sysfs_path': '/devices/virtual/block/dm-1', 'ID_FS_LABEL': 'Fedora-11-i686-L', 'ID_FS_USAGE': 'filesystem', 'DM_READONLY': 'Read-only', 'DKD_DM_TABLE_STATE': 'LIVE', 'MINOR': '1', 'symlinks': ['block/253:1', 'disk/by-id/dm-name-live-osimg-min', 'disk/by-uuid/d8394cd3-060a-42c8-8585-aebb23927bcb', 'disk/by-label/Fedora-11-i686-L'], 'DM_TABLES_LOADED': 'Live', 'MAJOR': '253', 'name': 'dm-1', 'DKD_DM_MINOR': '1', 'DKD_DM_STATE': 'READONLY', 'DKD_MEDIA_AVAILABLE': '1'}
[2009-10-13 12:11:27,605]    DEBUG: no type or existing type for live-osimg-min, bailing
[2009-10-13 12:11:27,628]     INFO: sr0 looks to be the live device; ignoring
[2009-10-13 12:11:27,941]     INFO: failed to unlink /etc/mdadm.conf
[2009-10-13 08:12:10,027]    DEBUG: looking up parted Device: /dev/sdd
[2009-10-13 08:12:10,030]    DEBUG: looking up parted Device: /dev/sdc
[2009-10-13 08:12:10,033]    DEBUG: looking up parted Device: /dev/sde
[2009-10-13 08:12:10,036]    DEBUG: looking up parted Device: /dev/sdb
[2009-10-13 08:12:10,042]    DEBUG: looking up parted Device: /dev/sdd
[2009-10-13 08:12:10,045]    DEBUG: looking up parted Device: /dev/sdc
[2009-10-13 08:12:10,048]    DEBUG: looking up parted Device: /dev/sde
[2009-10-13 08:12:10,051]    DEBUG: looking up parted Device: /dev/sdb
[2009-10-13 08:12:10,055]    DEBUG: looking up parted Device: /dev/sdd
[2009-10-13 08:12:10,058]    DEBUG: looking up parted Device: /dev/sdc
[2009-10-13 08:12:10,061]    DEBUG: looking up parted Device: /dev/sde
[2009-10-13 08:12:10,064]    DEBUG: looking up parted Device: /dev/sdb
[2009-10-13 08:12:15,544]    DEBUG: looking up parted Device: /dev/sdd
[2009-10-13 08:12:15,548]    DEBUG: looking up parted Device: /dev/sdc
[2009-10-13 08:12:15,552]    DEBUG: looking up parted Device: /dev/sde
[2009-10-13 08:12:15,555]    DEBUG: looking up parted Device: /dev/sdb
[2009-10-13 08:12:15,798]    DEBUG: looking up parted Device: /dev/sdd
[2009-10-13 08:12:15,802]    DEBUG: looking up parted Device: /dev/sdc
[2009-10-13 08:12:15,805]    DEBUG: looking up parted Device: /dev/sde
[2009-10-13 08:12:15,808]    DEBUG: looking up parted Device: /dev/sdb
[2009-10-13 08:12:15,828]    DEBUG: looking for device 'sda1'...
[2009-10-13 08:12:15,828]    DEBUG: found PartitionDevice instance (0x956f30c) --
 description =   name = sda1  status = True  parents = [<storage.devices.DiskDevice object at 0x927adec>]
 kids = 0
 id = 1
 uuid = None  format = <storage.formats.fs.NTFS object at 0x956f78c>  size = 20002.7768555
 major = 8  minor = 1  exists = True
 sysfs path = /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:05.1/host5/target5:0:0/5:0:0:0/block/sda/sda1  label = None
 target size = 20002.7768555  path = /dev/sda1
 format args = []  grow = None  max size = 0  bootable = True
 part type = 0  primary = None
 partedPartition = <parted.partition.Partition object at 0x956f3cc>  disk = <storage.devices.DiskDevice object at 0x927adec>
[2009-10-13 08:12:15,839]    DEBUG: looking for device 'sda2'...
[2009-10-13 08:12:15,840]    DEBUG: found PartitionDevice instance (0x956f8cc) --
 description =   name = sda2  status = True  parents = [<storage.devices.DiskDevice object at 0x927adec>]
 kids = 0
 id = 2
 uuid = None  format = <storage.formats.DeviceFormat object at 0x956f9ec>  size = 456793.527832
 major = 8  minor = 2  exists = True
 sysfs path = /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:05.1/host5/target5:0:0/5:0:0:0/block/sda/sda2  label = None
 target size = 456793.527832  path = /dev/sda2
 format args = []  grow = None  max size = 0  bootable = None
 part type = 2  primary = None
 partedPartition = <parted.partition.Partition object at 0x956f36c>  disk = <storage.devices.DiskDevice object at 0x927adec>
[2009-10-13 08:12:15,843]    DEBUG: looking for device 'sda5'...
[2009-10-13 08:12:15,844]    DEBUG: found PartitionDevice instance (0x956f9ac) --
 description =   name = sda5  status = True  parents = [<storage.devices.DiskDevice object at 0x927adec>]
 kids = 0
 id = 3
 uuid = None  format = <storage.formats.fs.NTFS object at 0x956fa6c>  size = 379998.404297
 major = 8  minor = 5  exists = True
 sysfs path = /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:05.1/host5/target5:0:0/5:0:0:0/block/sda/sda5  label = None
 target size = 379998.404297  path = /dev/sda5
 format args = []  grow = None  max size = 0  bootable = None
 part type = 1  primary = None
 partedPartition = <parted.partition.Partition object at 0x956f58c>  disk = <storage.devices.DiskDevice object at 0x927adec>
[2009-10-13 08:12:15,846]    DEBUG: looking for device 'sda6'...
[2009-10-13 08:12:15,847]    DEBUG: found PartitionDevice instance (0x956f94c) --
 description =   name = sda6  status = True  parents = [<storage.devices.DiskDevice object at 0x927adec>]
 kids = 0
 id = 4
 uuid = None  format = <storage.formats.fs.NTFS object at 0x956faec>  size = 30000.0
 major = 8  minor = 6  exists = True
 sysfs path = /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:05.1/host5/target5:0:0/5:0:0:0/block/sda/sda6  label = None
 target size = 30000.0  path = /dev/sda6
 format args = []  grow = None  max size = 0  bootable = None
 part type = 1  primary = None
 partedPartition = <parted.partition.Partition object at 0x956f68c>  disk = <storage.devices.DiskDevice object at 0x927adec>
[2009-10-13 08:12:15,850]    DEBUG: looking for device 'sda-1'...
[2009-10-13 08:12:15,851]    DEBUG: found None
[2009-10-13 08:12:15,854]    DEBUG: looking for device 'sda-1'...
[2009-10-13 08:12:15,855]    DEBUG: found None
[2009-10-13 08:12:21,468]    DEBUG: getFormat('None') returning DeviceFormat instance
[2009-10-13 08:12:21,469]    DEBUG: registered action: Destroy Format None on sda6 (partition)
[2009-10-13 08:12:21,484]    DEBUG: removed sda6 (partition) from device tree
[2009-10-13 08:12:21,486]    DEBUG: registered action: Destroy Device sda6 (partition)
[2009-10-13 08:12:21,487]    DEBUG: looking up parted Device: /dev/sdd
[2009-10-13 08:12:21,490]    DEBUG: looking up parted Device: /dev/sde
[2009-10-13 08:12:21,493]    DEBUG: looking up parted Device: /dev/sdb
[2009-10-13 08:12:21,495]    DEBUG: looking up parted Device: /dev/sdc
[2009-10-13 08:12:21,500]    DEBUG: allocatePartitions: disks=[<storage.devices.DiskDevice object at 0x927adec>] ; partitions=[]
[2009-10-13 08:12:21,500]    DEBUG: removing all non-preexisting from disk(s)
[2009-10-13 08:12:21,500]    DEBUG: growPartitions: disks=['sda'], partitions=[]
[2009-10-13 08:12:21,500]    DEBUG: looking for device 'sda2'...
[2009-10-13 08:12:21,500]    DEBUG: found PartitionDevice instance (0x956f8cc) --
 description =   name = sda2  status = True  parents = [<storage.devices.DiskDevice object at 0x927adec>]
 kids = 0
 id = 2
 uuid = None  format = <storage.formats.DeviceFormat object at 0x956f9ec>  size = 456793.527832
 major = 8  minor = 2  exists = True
 sysfs path = /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:05.1/host5/target5:0:0/5:0:0:0/block/sda/sda2  label = None
 target size = 456793.527832  path = /dev/sda2
 format args = []  grow = None  max size = 0  bootable = False
 part type = 2  primary = None
 partedPartition = <parted.partition.Partition object at 0x956f36c>  disk = <storage.devices.DiskDevice object at 0x927adec>
[2009-10-13 08:12:21,501]    DEBUG: looking up parted Device: /dev/sdd
[2009-10-13 08:12:21,503]    DEBUG: looking up parted Device: /dev/sde
[2009-10-13 08:12:21,506]    DEBUG: looking up parted Device: /dev/sdb
[2009-10-13 08:12:21,509]    DEBUG: looking up parted Device: /dev/sdc
[2009-10-13 08:12:21,512]    DEBUG: looking for device 'sda1'...
[2009-10-13 08:12:21,513]    DEBUG: found PartitionDevice instance (0x956f30c) --
 description =   name = sda1  status = True  parents = [<storage.devices.DiskDevice object at 0x927adec>]
 kids = 0
 id = 1
 uuid = None  format = <storage.formats.fs.NTFS object at 0x956f78c>  size = 20002.7768555
 major = 8  minor = 1  exists = True
 sysfs path = /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:05.1/host5/target5:0:0/5:0:0:0/block/sda/sda1  label = None
 target size = 20002.7768555  path = /dev/sda1
 format args = []  grow = None  max size = 0  bootable = True
 part type = 0  primary = None
 partedPartition = <parted.partition.Partition object at 0x956f3cc>  disk = <storage.devices.DiskDevice object at 0x927adec>
[2009-10-13 08:12:21,513]    DEBUG: looking for device 'sda2'...
[2009-10-13 08:12:21,513]    DEBUG: found PartitionDevice instance (0x956f8cc) --
 description =   name = sda2  status = True  parents = [<storage.devices.DiskDevice object at 0x927adec>]
 kids = 0
 id = 2
 uuid = None  format = <storage.formats.DeviceFormat object at 0x956f9ec>  size = 456793.527832
 major = 8  minor = 2  exists = True
 sysfs path = /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:05.1/host5/target5:0:0/5:0:0:0/block/sda/sda2  label = None
 target size = 456793.527832  path = /dev/sda2
 format args = []  grow = None  max size = 0  bootable = False
 part type = 2  primary = None
 partedPartition = <parted.partition.Partition object at 0x956f36c>  disk = <storage.devices.DiskDevice object at 0x927adec>
[2009-10-13 08:12:21,514]    DEBUG: looking for device 'sda5'...
[2009-10-13 08:12:21,514]    DEBUG: found PartitionDevice instance (0x956f9ac) --
 description =   name = sda5  status = True  parents = [<storage.devices.DiskDevice object at 0x927adec>]
 kids = 0
 id = 3
 uuid = None  format = <storage.formats.fs.NTFS object at 0x956fa6c>  size = 379998.404297
 major = 8  minor = 5  exists = True
 sysfs path = /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:05.1/host5/target5:0:0/5:0:0:0/block/sda/sda5  label = None
 target size = 379998.404297  path = /dev/sda5
 format args = []  grow = None  max size = 0  bootable = False
 part type = 1  primary = None
 partedPartition = <parted.partition.Partition object at 0x956f58c>  disk = <storage.devices.DiskDevice object at 0x927adec>
[2009-10-13 08:12:21,515]    DEBUG: looking for device 'sda-1'...
[2009-10-13 08:12:21,515]    DEBUG: found None
[2009-10-13 08:12:21,516]    DEBUG: looking for device 'sda-1'...
[2009-10-13 08:12:21,516]    DEBUG: found None
[2009-10-13 08:12:23,172]    DEBUG: getFormat('ext4') returning Ext4FS instance
[2009-10-13 08:12:23,606]    DEBUG: looking up parted Device: /dev/sdd
[2009-10-13 08:12:23,611]    DEBUG: looking up parted Device: /dev/sde
[2009-10-13 08:12:23,614]    DEBUG: looking up parted Device: /dev/sdb
[2009-10-13 08:12:23,617]    DEBUG: looking up parted Device: /dev/sdc
[2009-10-13 08:12:23,628]    DEBUG: looking up parted Device: /dev/sdd
[2009-10-13 08:12:23,631]    DEBUG: looking up parted Device: /dev/sde
[2009-10-13 08:12:23,634]    DEBUG: looking up parted Device: /dev/sdb
[2009-10-13 08:12:23,637]    DEBUG: looking up parted Device: /dev/sdc
[2009-10-13 08:12:29,226]    DEBUG: looking up parted Device: /dev/sdd
[2009-10-13 08:12:29,229]    DEBUG: looking up parted Device: /dev/sde
[2009-10-13 08:12:29,233]    DEBUG: looking up parted Device: /dev/sdb
[2009-10-13 08:12:29,236]    DEBUG: looking up parted Device: /dev/sdc
[2009-10-13 08:12:29,255]    DEBUG: added req1 (partition) to device tree
[2009-10-13 08:12:29,256]    DEBUG: registered action: Create Device req1 (partition)
[2009-10-13 08:12:29,256]    DEBUG: registered action: Create Format swap on req1 (partition)
[2009-10-13 08:12:29,259]    DEBUG: looking up parted Device: /dev/sdd
[2009-10-13 08:12:29,263]    DEBUG: looking up parted Device: /dev/sde
[2009-10-13 08:12:29,266]    DEBUG: looking up parted Device: /dev/sdb
[2009-10-13 08:12:29,269]    DEBUG: looking up parted Device: /dev/sdc
[2009-10-13 08:12:29,276]    DEBUG: allocatePartitions: disks=[<storage.devices.DiskDevice object at 0x927adec>] ; partitions=[<storage.devices.PartitionDevice object at 0x981d5cc>]
[2009-10-13 08:12:29,277]    DEBUG: removing all non-preexisting from disk(s)
[2009-10-13 08:12:29,277]    DEBUG: allocating partition: req1 ; disks: [<storage.devices.DiskDevice object at 0x927adec>] ; boot: False ; primary: None ; size: 500MB ; grow: None ; max_size: 0
[2009-10-13 08:12:29,277]    DEBUG: checking freespace on sda
[2009-10-13 08:12:29,279]    DEBUG: getBestFreeSpaceRegion: disk=/dev/sda part_type=0 req_size=500MB boot=False best=None
[2009-10-13 08:12:29,279]    DEBUG: looking for intersection between extended (40965750-976478894) and free (819202545-976478894)
[2009-10-13 08:12:29,280]    DEBUG: free region not suitable for request
[2009-10-13 08:12:29,280]    DEBUG: looking for intersection between extended (40965750-976478894) and free (976478895-976494959)



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opcja [EDYTUJ] pod postem "właściciela" powinna byc aktywna. Proszę o info jeśli jest inaczej
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jeśli masz już system windows na dysku i chcesz zachować dane

to przygotuj sobie partycje pod windowsem wykorzystując mmc (było: gpedit) (wpisz w uruchom)

jeśli masz xp home to mozna to ewentualnie doinstalować bodajże,

dodaj przystawke zarządzanie dyskami i do dzieła

przygotuj sobie 3 partycje np:

100MB dla ......... /boot (ext2/ext3)

15-20GB dla ..... / (ext4)

30G (ile chcesz).. /home (ext4)

512MB dla ......... swap


potem w trakcie instalacji systemu linux wybierz

--> indywidualny układ partycji

potem używając przycisku Edytuj przypisz poszczególne partycje i zaznacz

sformatuj jako


albo jeśli wolisz to z pomocą rescueCD i np: cfdisk /dev/sda


mi wielokrotnie pojawiały sie błedy przy niewłąściwym zamykaniu systemu windows

i niemożna było zamontować partycji ntfs nawet forsując


możesz spróbować przeskanować partycje pod windą pod kątem naprawy błędów




to chyba raczej mmc należy wpisać a nie gpedit, no nie pamiętam.. dokładnie

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